“Digital Fashion Designer Master’s for New Challenges in the Fashion Industry – Launching in September 2023!”

2023-05-12 15:02:25

The ICAN, Institute of Digital Creation and Animation and MODART International, the Grande Ecole de Mode, two member establishments of the GES Network, are launching a Digital Fashion Designer Master’s in September 2023 to train fashion and digital enthusiasts in the new challenges of the sector. This new formation intends to position itself at the forefront of new trends. Design of digital collections for avatars, filters in augmented reality & social media, organization of fashion shows in the metaverse…

The orientation fair not to be missed!

We give you an appointment at the Virtual Studyrama Virtual Fair for Fashion, Design and Luxury Professions to find the training of your dreams! You will meet experts, professionals and young graduates to discuss your future career. It is also a unique opportunity to discover the many professions that exist (product designer, textile designer, architect, etc.) and to ask your questions during e-conferences.

A program that combines fashion culture and digital skills

By integrating the Digital Fashion Designer Masters, students will develop technical skills related to digital fashion design (3D modeling of avatars, design of digital clothing and accessories, skinning techniques, texturing & lighting effects); 4.0 technologies (practice of augmented reality, IoT Design); to digital trends (figures of digital fashion, gamification & lifestyle, social media culture) and will participate in workshops on the digitization of a garment or fashion accessory, the design of a skin applicable in augmented reality or even the realization of a collection of avatars for a video game.

This work-study program is accessible after a minimum bac+3 and for a period of 2 years. At the end of the Masters, graduates will receive a level 7 RNCP title of Digital Design Expert. The training rhythm is 1 day in training / 4 days in the company with 6 weeks of seminars during the year. Some professions accessible after the Master Digital Fashion Designer: FX artist, e-collection manager, digital fashion designer, creative studio manager, brand content manager, artistic director, modeling artist, digital event manager, set design, avatar/clothing stylist/ e-textile design accessories, graphic designer stylist, 2D/3D stylist…

Are you made for the design and creation professions? Take the test to find out!

#ICAN #MODART #International #launch #masters #degree

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