Diligence is a talent, not a rubber butt: Putin told how to achieve success during a visit to Kaliningrad

Screenshot of the lesson broadcast

Diligence is a special talent, not just a rubber butt. This opinion was expressed by Vladimir Putin during the open lesson “Talk about the important” in Kaliningrad, answering the question of how to discipline yourself to schoolchildren Danila Lesnykh. The meeting took place on Thursday, September 1st.

“Discipline is essential to being successful. But discipline alone is not enough – you need internal motivation to achieve goals, a broad view of the problems that you are dealing with. We need such an inner emotional attitude, a sense of responsibility. All this together should not close a very important component that underlies success – a creative approach to solving the problems that you face. This discipline and so on – it should not carry any narrow-mindedness. This is an important component, but by itself it will not give much. <...> All this together, in my opinion, will give the desired result. This is the path to success. And, of course, hard work. Industriousness in general is a separate talent. It’s not just, sorry, rubber butt. This is a talent to force yourself to work and be able to do it productively, to properly organize what you are doing. All this, together with discipline, I repeat for the third time, can give a result, ”the president summed up.

During the “Conversation about the important” Vladimir Putin

At an open lesson in Kaliningrad, a boy asked Putin to shake his hand as a gift for his father’s birthday

The President did not refuse the request and congratulated the man himself

“>reached out to a schoolboy from Ryazan in response to a boy’s request. He wanted to shake hands with his father as a birthday present.

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