Director of Loyola Gumilla was charged with a case of harassment

Rector Arturo Peraza rejected the acts that the attorney general had in not protecting the identity of the minor.

Maria Nayely Ordonez/Marianny Aponte | They protested outside the Palace of Justice in Puerto Ordaz

Rosa de Freitas, director of the Loyola Gumilla School, was charged with the crime of commission by omission of minor injuries, after the case of harassment that occurred in the educational center in recent days and that became viral on social networks.

It happened, after being summoned to testify this Friday morning at the Palace of Justice in Puerto Ordaz. She was accompanied by three of the legal representatives of the Andrés Bello Catholic University (Ucab), Guayana extension.

In the meantime, the community in general, teaching staff and other representatives of different public and private institutions were present to provide moral support.

Arturo Peraza, Jesuit priest and rector of the Loyola Gumilla College and vice-rector of the Ucab Guayana, expressed his total rejection of any type of violence that may be generated within the institution, since they are not complicit in these acts.

He pointed out that “the students were spoken to a week before”, since they gave several classes related to bullying, cyber bullying, bullying, child abuse, among other aspects.

Peraza described the fact as “not diligent, since the educational protocol participated instantly in taking the proper actions, representatives of the Ministry of Education and other organizations came to make the respective evaluations of the case, calling the representatives of the minors. and those mainly involved,” he said.

In addition, Peraza assured that the school promotes the values ​​of “Catholics” as the main participatory movement within the institution.

He rejected the fact that the Attorney General of the Republic, Tarek William Saab, made the name of the minor public, due to the actions recorded in the video. “Lacking and violating the right to protection of the student’s identity, established in the Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents,” he insisted.

He also pointed out the prosecutor’s act as an “outrage”, both for those involved and for the school.

“The attorney general made the video viral on his Twitter social network without protecting the identity of minors, referring to public ridicule and did not comply with the established parameters,” he added.

While they waited for the resolution of the hearing, they also prayed to God for divine protection in this case and that these types of events would not be repeated anywhere in the state of Bolívar or in Venezuela.

Peraza thanked the participation of all teachers, directors and educational organizations that supported the director.

Agency Support

The Venezuelan Association of Catholic Schools, the Colegio Los Próceres de Puerto Ordaz, the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello Guayana extension were also present outside the court to show their solidarity.

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