Discover the Mental Health Benefits of Masturbation with Bob Thomas

2024-01-13 10:16:15

Bob Thomas

benefits of masturbation

In addition to being a great way to learn about yourself, masturbation has many other benefits, especially for mental health, and it’s definitely not as unhealthy as outdated stereotypes suggest. The benefits of masturbation include:

1. Relieve stress

Everyone is stressed. The pressure is too much. The best and most effective remedy for this is masturbation. Because having sex alone releases large amounts of oxytocin, it’s your secret weapon against stress. Oxytocin is a hormone, also known as the cuddle hormone, that helps lower the stress hormone cortisol. So if you’re wondering where that deep sense of calm after masturbation comes from: it’s oxytocin, the ultimate stress killer.

2. Strengthen the immune system

Scientists agree: masturbation is good for your health. If you masturbate regularly, your immune system will strengthen. How does this work? Oxytocin and dopamine released during masturbation ensure that cortisol levels in the blood decrease. This creates ideal starting conditions for the immune system. In addition, studies have found that after orgasm, the number of white blood cells increases significantly, especially the number of natural killer cells, which help fight infections. Therefore, if you don’t like drinking ginger tea in the fall, you can use a vibrator.

3. Orgasm can enhance mood

In addition to oxytocin, masturbating releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones that put you in a good mood at the push of a button. The wonderful thing about endorphins: This messenger substance is so long-lasting that it can counteract even the worst of low moods.

4. Better sleep quality

Not surprisingly, you’ll sleep better after masturbating, but it also has a stress-reducing effect. Orgasms, even self-induced ones, can be a reliable sleep aid. If you have trouble falling asleep because your mind doesn’t want to go out, you should try to fall asleep on your own more often. It’s definitely a more fun way to fall asleep than listening to a radio drama or counting sheep.

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