Discover the Rare Alignment of 5 Planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus

2023-06-17 08:51:00

Arrange 5 planets in a line: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn
You need binoculars to see Neptune and Uranus

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[이코노미스트 김정훈 기자] You’ll be able to see an alignment this weekend, when the planets line up.

On the 16th (local time), CBS Broadcasting quoted the astronomy guide application ‘Star Walk’ and reported that a ‘planet alignment’ phenomenon occurs in which Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune line up in a line at the dawn of the 17th.

The five planets that will be aligned this time will gradually rise and line up in a line from the night of the 16th to the dawn of the 17th (US standard). Depending on the region, planetary alignment can be seen even after this day, CBS said.

However, in Korea, it is expected to be able to observe before sunrise on the morning of the 18th. The sunrise time on the 18th is 5:10 am.

You may need binoculars for planetary observation. Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn, relatively close to Earth, can be seen with the naked eye, but at least binoculars are required to see Neptune and Uranus.

This planetary alignment also appeared in March. At the time, there was a planetary alignment of five planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. An alignment of Mercury, Venus and Mars next to each other is also expected around July 22nd.

After that, it seems that more than 5 planets will line up in April next year.

ⓒThe Economist (“Economic News for Tomorrow” Unauthorized copying and redistribution prohibited)

#planets #line #side #side…Space #Show #opens #morning #18th

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