Discover the Three Super Grains for Better Health: Kamut, Teff, and Amaranth

2024-05-10 06:01:00


“Relieves Constipation and Boosts Immunity”… Do you know the three new “super grains” that are popular these days?

Journalist Lee Hae-na | Intern journalist Lee Ga-eun

If you are someone who doesn’t miss rice, bread or noodles on your table, why not try supplementing your diet with “super grains” at least once a day? Super grains are rich in carbohydrates and essential nutrients and have excellent health benefits as they contain high amounts of dietary fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants compared to other grains. The super grains selected by the American weekly ‘Time’ include oats, quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, kamut, teff and amaranth. Among these, we feature three relatively little-known super grains that have recently received significant attention in Korea.

Kamut/Photo = Getty Image Bank

▷Kamut=Kamut, meaning “wheat” in ancient Egyptian, is believed to have originated in the Khorasan region of Mesopotamia and is also called “Khorasan wheat”. Kamut is a type of wheat, but it is three times larger than wheat. Kamut is rich in vitamin B, omega-3, minerals and antioxidants and has various health benefits. Kamut-rich selenium has an antioxidant effect, eliminating harmful free radicals and preventing cell damage. Kamut also contains more than three times the dietary fiber content of the same amount of brown rice. Therefore, it not only helps relieve constipation but also lowers blood cholesterol levels by removing cholesterol from the body. This helps stabilize blood sugar levels and is also good for improving blood vessel and heart health. However, since the texture of kamut is hard, it is recommended to soak it in water to soften it before eating.


Teff/Photo = Getty Image Bank

▷Teff=Teff, commonly consumed in Africa, contains grains smaller than millet and is known as “the world’s smallest grain.” It is a “gluten-free” food, high in calcium and iron and gluten-free. Gluten is a component obtained by combining “glutenin” and “gliadin” found in wheat, barley, etc., and is a type of insoluble protein that does not dissolve in water. Therefore, teff can be consumed even by people with gluten allergies. The calcium in teff helps activate several metabolic processes, including blood clotting and muscle contraction and relaxation. Additionally, teff is rich in dietary fiber and various nutrients, so it is good for controlling blood sugar levels. Teff can be cooked with rice, boiled into porridge, or ground into a fine powder and sprinkled as a salad topping.


Amaranth/Photo = Capture from the “Lamp Cook-Food Ingredients Information” website

▷Amaranth=Amaranth contains so many nutrients that it is called “the God-given grain.” Like teff, it is a gluten-free food and about 20% of its total nutrients are protein. Amaranth contains a high amount of antioxidants, which help eliminate free radicals from the body and strengthen the immune system. In addition, the rich unsaturated fatty acids and plant squalene contained in amaranth remove bad cholesterol from the body and are good for preventing diabetes and high blood pressure. For this reason, amaranth is known to be close to a “complete food” nutritionally. However, the amaranth must be cooked. When cooking rice, the appropriate ratio of rice to amaranth is about 6 to 4 or 7 to 3. You can soak it in water for 10 to 20 minutes, boil it, and drink it as tea.

#Relieves #Constipation #Boosts #Immunity #super #grains #popular #days

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