Discover which fruits to moderate for a healthier lifestyle

2023-07-23 12:56:19

Despite the well-known importance of fruits for the health of the body, with the nutrients and vitamins they provide, some of them may not be beneficial to others, according to experts.

And some fruits are “heavy with sugar” despite the nutrients they provide, which makes it useful to reduce them, according to what the website reports.She FindsAbout experts in health and nutrition.

Experts agree that bananas, grapes and pineapple are really healthy fruits, but they actually raise sugar levels and contribute to an increase in body weight.

“Bananas are a naturally heavy fruit that makes you feel full, but the high sugar content can lead to hunger (again) very quickly,” says nutritionist Ann Obliger.

And the health expert, Mahmoud Abdel Aziz, offers alternatives that can be eaten instead of bananas, “Choose low-sugar fruits such as berries, as they are rich in antioxidants, and cause a slower and more stable rise in blood sugar levels.”

As for grapes, they contain natural sugars, but “the problem often lies in the amount that people eat,” according to the “She Finds” website.

Abdel Aziz explains, “Consuming a large amount of grapes can quickly increase blood sugar levels.”

He recommends other options such as apples and pears, which contain less sugar, adding that “these alternatives can be eaten alongside a good source of protein to help satiety and stabilize blood sugar levels.”

Although pineapple is a fruit rich in vitamin C, beneficial nutrients, and full of antioxidants, consuming a large amount of it can lead to high sugar and weight gain.

Abdel Aziz recommends combining low-sugar fruits with pineapple, such as kiwi, watermelon, and melon, as they provide important vitamins and minerals, with less impact on blood sugar levels.

Experts stress that these tips do not mean getting rid of these fruits completely, but the goal is to follow a moderate diet, and that “the key is variety and moderation.”

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