Discovering an Elusive Galaxy: Insights from Hubble Space Telescope and Quasar Analysis

2023-09-15 07:39:00

Written by Muhammad Ayman Friday, September 15, 2023 10:39 AM A team of astronomers used a difficult technique to discover an elusive galaxy 11 billion years old using the Hubble Space Telescope, according to the space website. Astronomers usually observe galaxies using the light their stars emit. Galaxies emit light waves that exist across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, and different telescopes can observe these cosmic objects with different wavelengths of light to form a complete picture. But, when a galaxy lies on the same line of sight with another bright light source, more distant, there is another way to make these galactic observations. When light passes through a background galaxy toward a foreground galaxy, for example, the gas and dust in the foreground galaxy will absorb some lengths of Because chemical elements absorb light at specific wavelengths, looking for gaps in the light from the background source can tell astronomers what that light went through on its way to the telescope. “To find galaxies, we first look for quasars that are particularly red, because stardust tends to absorb blue light, not red,” Johan Finnbo, an astronomer at the Cosmic Dawn Center, said in a statement. Johan and his team have discovered many absorbing galaxies by analyzing the light from red quasars, but once they do that, they will face a much more difficult task: searching for the light emitted by the absorbing galaxy itself. “The features we found in the missing light tell us something about the dust in the foreground galaxy,” Lise Christensen, a member of the discovery team and an astronomer at the Cosmic Dawn Center, said in the statement. “In fact, the dust appears to be similar to the dust we see locally in the Milky Way and one of the galaxies.” Our neighbourhood. Finbo intends to revisit this region of space using other instruments, including the Northern Optical Telescope, to search for other members of this galaxy group in the hopes of being able to see the absorbing galaxy emitting light of its own.

#Hubble #Space #Telescope #discovers #galaxy #billion #years

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