Discovering the Liquid State of Chiral Bose: A Major Breakthrough in Quantum Physics

2023-11-21 16:48:25

And yet another discovery that pushes the limits of our current knowledge. Recently, scientists managed to demonstrate the existence of the liquid state of chiral Bose.

Liquid, solid, and gaseous. Everyone knows these 3 states of matter. But is there another possibility? Scientists have launched a study to prove this theory. And they succeeded. Now there is a 4e state of matter, which is only the liquid state of chiral Bose. This is a major advancement in the field of data management.

A state of matter proven in the quantum

To demonstrate their theory, researchers from the University of Massachusetts have modified the classic environment. The study began by establishing “quantum frustration”. The magnetic fields are therefore more intense, and the electrons no longer follow their usual trajectories.

The particles will then remain in a particular liquid state. They are arranged in a very different way from what we currently know. This is the liquid state of Bose Chiral.

And this discovery opens the doors to other research questions. Indeed, this 4th state of matter constitutes a new physical property.

An atypical environment to prove the existence of a 4e state of matter

Proving the existence of another state of matter is not for everyone. Indeed, it is necessary to modify the usual environment to change the particle trajectories. But this difficulty did not slow down Tigran Sedrakya and his team.

These researchers then began by designing a semiconductor device composed of two layers. The first has a high concentration of electrons. The second does not. But it is made up of several holes. It therefore occupies the functions of “positive charges”. As a result, the semiconductor allows electron movements.

Once the experiment has started, the electrons in the first layer are attracted to the “positive charges”. However, not all particles can enter the holes. It then creates a unbalanced environment thanks to these modifications. The electrons will adapt to this new condition, and will opt for an atypical configuration. The liquid state of chiral Bose is the result of this phenomenon.

“At the edge of the semiconductor bilayer, electrons and holes move with the same speeds. This leads to helical transport, which can be further modulated by external magnetic fields as the electron and hole channels are gradually separated under higher fields.” Lingjie Du, co-author of the study.

And it is a major advance in the field of communication

The liquid state of chiral Bose could contribute to the field of high-tech. Indeed, particles extend over long distances, and will open the door to several possibilities.

Big data and cybersecurity experts can leverage this innovation to protect data. Indeed, the 4th state of matter makes it possible to encode information and share it at incredible speed.

The speed of processing information will also be fasterbecause we can now perfect the algorithms with the liquid state of Bose Chiral.

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