Do not lie.. this is what it does to the human body and mind

Contrary to its negative effects on the human body and mental health, an American academic study showed that reducing lying in daily life improves mental and physical health.

According to the information, a study conducted at the University of Notre Dame for a period of 10 weeks, in which 110 people, ranging in age from 18 to 71 years, with an average age of 31 years, participated in it, that the bodies respond negatively to lying.

10 weeks of trial

During the study, researchers asked a group of people to stop lying for 10 weeks and put them under observation.

They found that the honest group reported fewer mental health issues, such as feeling stressed or depressed, as well as fewer physical symptoms, such as sore throats or headaches.

Those who tell the truth reported improvements in their relationships with friends and family, and they generally felt more honest by the fifth week away from lying.

health effects

In addition, psychologists have discovered that lying can lead to an increased heart rate, higher blood pressure, and higher levels of stress hormones in the blood, and over time, this can significantly affect mental and physical health.

The study participants reported that they realized that they could simply tell the truth about their daily accomplishments rather than exaggerate.

Others said they stopped making false excuses for being late or failing to complete tasks.

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