Do you feel dizzy frequently while dieting.. Here are the reasons

Follow – Ali Mualla

When you apply the diet. You may feel dizzy. without knowing the reasons for it. It may be repeated. So we will present to you in this article. Causes of dizziness during dieting.

Not getting enough calories:

Feeling dizzy when following a weight loss diet is a clear sign that you are not getting enough calories in a day. This prompts the body in this case to switch to the store of glycogen and fats to obtain energy, which ends with the passage of time, which leads to frequent dizziness and a feeling of fatigue, hunger, weakness and stress. Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, you must make sure that you do not consume a reduced amount of calories only in order to lose weight, but that you follow a balanced diet with the correct amount of calories.

Low blood sugar level:

Neglecting to eat some meals and not getting enough amounts of carbohydrates is one of the factors that lead to a significant decrease in blood sugar, which leads to dizziness, increased heart rate, and the accompanying severe fatigue. To avoid this situation, it is recommended to eat 5 or 6 small meals throughout the day instead of having only three main ones, with the necessity of some types of complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, oats and beans instead of white bread and sweets that cause weight gain.

Not drinking water:

Water in the body is one of the elements necessary to carry out the various functions of the body, including the chemical reactions that provide the person with energy that take place inside the cells. Therefore, not obtaining sufficient quantities of water during dieting may negatively affect the health of the individual, as the lack of this healthy component leads to frequent headaches and cases of severe dizziness, in addition to muscle cramps, dry mouth and increased sense of thirst.

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