Do you look younger than your age? If so, here’s some exciting news!

Science tells us that looking younger than your chronological age can have long-term positive effects on our health. By combining lifestyle modifications, healthy choices and preventative care as we age, we can help maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance, and reap the many associated physical and mental benefits. In this article, we’ll explore how looking younger can actually lead to better overall health.

There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that looking significantly younger than your actual age has potential positive effects on physical and mental well-being.

Have better mental health:

For starters, a study published in the British Journal of Dermatology found that people who felt they had aged prematurely or looked older than their actual age were more likely to suffer from depression and other psychological issues. This suggests that looking youthful may have beneficial effects on mental health, as well as physical health.

Reduce cardiovascular risk factors:

Other research has linked looking young to lower cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, people who look several years younger than their actual age are less likely to develop these conditions over time, due to their smaller waists and lower abdominal fat stores.

This is thought to be due to the protective effect of the skin’s collagen production, which helps keep the skin’s elasticity intact during aging by slowing the appearance of wrinkles and sagging, which have been associated with the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Decrease mortality rates:

A study published in The Journals of Gerontology: Series A also found that people who looked much younger than their real age had a 33% lower death rate than people who looked closer to their real age. The results suggest that people who look significantly younger enjoy better overall health through healthier lifestyles, such as regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Additionally, the researchers concluded that people who look significantly younger may enjoy greater longevity due to the slower aging process associated with remaining physically active for long periods of time.

Improve self-esteem:

Not only does looking “younger” have potential health benefits, it can also boost the self-esteem of people who feel they have aged prematurely or look much older than they look. are because of the social stigma associated with aging.

For example, the authors of an article published by Psychology Today noted that feeling ten years younger can help reduce stress levels when faced with life-related decisions. career changes or retirement plans. Two situations that can be facilitated when a person feels psychologically supported by their physical appearance.

A Dutch study supports these claims by adding that young-looking people automatically have better physical health.

Our work shows that there is a strong correlation between perceived age and physical health. People who look younger than their actual age tend to have fewer health problems than those who look older than they are. This suggests that looking younger could be an indicator of metabolic resilience and overall good health.

To reach this conclusion, researchers at the University Medical Center Rotterdam collected the photos of 2,679 people aged 51 to 87, in addition to their medical records. Then 27 volunteers were tasked with estimating each person’s age simply by looking at the photo – without having any knowledge of the actual age of the people in the photos. The results showed that people who looked much younger than their actual age had significantly fewer chronic health problems, including heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and other metabolic diseases.

Facial features are the first indicators of youth.

The Dutch researchers also looked at how different facial features might play a role in the perception of youth and vitality. They found that wider faces with more curved eyebrows were associated with greater perception of age. While narrower faces with sharper angles and higher cheekbones resulted in a lower perception of age. Furthermore, using these characteristics as markers of “youthful” appearance could better predict general health status. An intriguing finding that could have implications for healthcare professionals trying to identify biomarkers of good health in patients with limited access to medical resources.

With all of these reasons, there’s no doubt that looking younger can bring many lifelong benefits!

Sources :

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.

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