Doctor Almazov told how to remove bags under the eyes in 5 minutes

“Double bag” and family trait

– A bag under the eyes is a prolapse (protrusion) of the orbital fiber through the circular muscle of the eye and the skin in the form of swelling, – the doctor, plastic surgeon Ilya Almazov explains the reason for the appearance of bags under the eyes. — We need orbital fiberprimarily to ensure that the eye is protected from collisions with the walls of the orbit when moving the position of the head and body.

The appearance of bags under the eyes not always associated with age and fatigue.

– In some cases, bags appear from a very young age – like a kind of family trait, when there is a lot of orbital fiber, – the doctor explains. – Sometimes it also happens that existing bags under the eyes are superimposed on new ones that have formed for some other reason – for example, due to a large amount of fiber or due to the fact that a normal amount of fiber has “accumulated” water. This can happen due to various diseases that are associated with fluid retention (problems with the kidneys, heart) or even after poisoning.

It is quite possible to reduce bags under the eyes – literally in 5 minutes, the expert says. There is a very simple method. But it will only work under certain conditions.

– It is possible to quickly remove bags under the eyes, provided that it is really bags of fatigue, and not a symptom of any chronic disease, or a congenital increase in volume. They are not removed in any way in the way that will be discussed.

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