Doctor creates the first comprehensive center for the sexual well-being of women

  • Health is always comprehensive because it not only covers the physical part but also the emotional part.
  • To innovate, a doctor created the first comprehensive center for the sexual well-being of women in Mexico.
  • The space is made up of a multidisciplinary team of women experts in medicine, gynecology, psychology, plastic surgery, pelvic floor rehabilitation, sexology, endocrinology, dermatology and nutrition.

Many times there is a misconception that health professionals cannot undertake. The reality is very different because opening your own business is a possibility that you should always think about. Although to do so you must also think about the needs of patients. All this led to an innovative idea and it is about the first comprehensive center for the sexual well-being of women in Mexico.

It is frequently mentioned that Health encompasses both the physical and the mental. Both are equally important and each is divided into various categories that must be considered.

The importance of sexuality in women

From all of the above, the Dr. Mari Mar Alvarez, who has a specialty in Plastic Surgery, decided to open Nova House. Her goal is to have a comprehensive approach to women’s sexuality through a multidisciplinary team of women experts in medicine, gynecology, psychology, plastic surgery, pelvic floor rehabilitation, sexology, endocrinology, dermatology and nutrition.

In his case, he mentions that he saw the need to create a space for women dedicated to solving and treating the different concerns in all stages of life. From the physical, emotional, nutritional and sexual aspects, it is addressed in an integral way and in the same place. It’s about all the different elements that lead to total wellness.

“Nova House is a space where women help other women to recover their sexuality through our feminine energy. It is focused on healing, improving, learning and building. When we feel uncomfortable with our body or with the changes that have occurred, there is insecurity in our sexual life and many times this causes estrangement with the couple. Women experience great loneliness right now, because there is no one to guide us, help us and talk to us with total openness about all these physical and emotional changes we are going through.

When she became a mother, Dr. Mari Mar realized the change that a woman’s body goes through during pregnancy. pregnancy and lactation. From his own experience, he identified how this not only affects self-esteem and body image but also sexual life.

This experience made her reflect on the quality of the information she had received about sexuality. In addition to the little that is openly talked about today on the subject, the taboos and misinformation that surround the female sexuality.

This is how it is born Nova Housewhich is described as the first comprehensive center for the sexual well-being of women in Mexico. It is a space where sexual education goes beyond biological part, physiology and contraceptive methods. It is key to include self-knowledge so that women know and can express what they want and what they do not want, learn to set clear and healthy limits.

What kind of treatments are offered?

All issues that encompass the sexual well-being of women are treated through psychological therapies, especially to help with issues of body image, partner and self-esteem. Also sexual therapies, minimally invasive treatments for both aesthetics and vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence and decreased orgasmic capacity. In addition to non-invasive, minimally invasive and surgical aesthetic treatments.

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