Doctors answer.. Can mouth paste help you sleep better?

A new method has spread on social media, which is closing the mouth to get a good sleep. This practice involves gently closing your lips with a specialized tape before going to bed at night, to encourage nasal breathing and prevent snoring.

Health and beauty expert Isabel Lux claims to “Metro” that breathing through your mouth gives you bad breath, gum disease, cavities, brain fog and a weak immune system.

Nasal breathing is better for the respiratory system

Mental health coach Dr Hana Patel advises: “Breath through your nose at all times, and when possible even when exercising.” Nose breathing is better for our health as the nose filters the air we breathe, removing substances such as dust, pollen, ash and bacterial particles dangerous.

Sleep disturbance is associated with mouth breathing

Studies show that a stuffy nose can cause sleep disruption, which is linked to obstructive sleep apnea, a condition in which your breathing stops and starts during the night due to narrowed airways that restrict the supply of vital oxygen to the lungs.

Unfortunately, it’s not easy to tell if you have sleep apnea unless you’re diagnosed in the clinic, but symptoms include loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, and frequent awakenings. You may also feel tired during the day, due to a lack of restful sleep.

“There are many causes of sleep apnea, and people who breathe through their mouths are more likely to have sleep disturbances, including sleep apnea,” Dr. Hanna explains.

Mouth breathing negatively affects dental health

It turns out that what TikTok users are saying that mouth breathing can be disastrous for the health of your teeth, as dentist Dr. Sam Jethwa explains that “mouth breathing makes our mouth dry, which increases the chance of tooth decay and cavities, due to the lack of protective saliva around the teeth.”

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