Doctors of Chulalongkorn University have found ‘cytokine’ indicates ‘degenerative joints’, hoping to help plan treatment and slow down the severity of the disease.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

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Professor Sittisak Hansawek, MD Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University said the research project “Cytokines and biochemicals as indicators and targets in the treatment of osteoarthritis”, which received an award for outstanding research results from CU personnel. in health sciences for the year 2021 that osteoarthritis is a major public health problem in Thailand and around the world. Affects the quality of life of the elderly, who are often sick with this disease. The more Thai people are now living longer. The more there will be more patients with this disease. This disease is incurable. But if it can predict the trend of the severity of the disease. It will allow us to find a way to reduce or slow down the severity of the disease.

Prof. Dr. Sittisak said that from studying the mechanism of osteoarthritis, it was found that some cytokines contributed to osteoarthritis and more severe disease progression. secreted from inflamed cells within the joints Cytokines and biochemicals stimulate cartilage cells to secrete other substances, such as those that aid in the formation and breakdown of cartilage. The presence of an imbalance of cytokines will stimulate the deterioration of cartilage to accelerate deterioration, making the joints more degenerative.

For the knowledge that has been found, this can be applied to develop a patient follow-up to see if there is a chance of getting more severe osteoarthritis in the future. as well as find ways to reduce or inhibit the cytokines that cause current osteoarthritis And the cytokine level measurement will be done after the patient has undergone osteoarthritis surgery. Such measurements will help determine whether inflammatory complications may occur. If the cytokine level is very high Indicates that there may be an infection after surgery. Therefore, antibiotics are needed until cytokine levels have dropped to normal.

Prof.Dr. Sittisak Older people with osteoarthritis are advised to avoid behaviors that accelerate osteoarthritis, such as sitting.
Kneeling, cross-legged, squatting, frequent going up and down stairs And supplemented by exercises to strengthen the muscles around the joints and exercises such as swimming, walking and light cycling, it is important to control your body weight well to reduce the impact on the knee joints and slow down osteoarthritis.

people with osteoarthritis problems Contact orthopedic department Chulalongkorn Hospital, 5th Floor, Por Por Ror Building, call 0-2256-5351 to make an appointment during office hours and outside office hours. (Orthopedic Clinic) or follow up for more information at
Department website

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