Dod’s boss will go to correctional

At this stage, presumed innocent, Mr. Mordhay Kissous will be tried for, in particular, misuse of corporate assets; for having, as a director of a bankrupt company, exposed unjustified expenses after cessation of payment; having provided inaccurate information during the bankruptcy; having concealed part of the assets within the framework of the judicial reorganization.

Defended by specialized lawyers François Koning and Cédric Alter, Mordhay Kissous obtained on the other hand the dismissal for money laundering and non-probative accounting, two preventions that the public prosecutor retained in its requisitions for dismissal.

Mrs. Caroline Kissous obtains, for her part, the dismissal. She is not judged in correctional alongside her father.

This is a file of the Brussels financial investigating judge Michel Claise. The investigators particularly wondered about the astonishing movements that occurred in the period preceding the bankruptcy of this company created in the 1970s. Thus, the stocks, valued at 24.5 million euros in September 2015, had suddenly melted to less than 3.5 million euros at the time of the declaration of bankruptcy, nine months later, on June 30, 2016.

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