Domestic Violence and Political Scandal: The Case of Ana Lara Erazo and Thierry Warmoes

2023-09-07 07:17:00

On April 26, 2019, a Friday, Ana entered the police station on rue de Bricgniot in Namur around 9:30 p.m. Inspector Sébastien received it, listened to it and turned on his computer.

Ana Lara Erazo, of Peruvian origin, is 51 years old. The following month, her husband, Thierry Warmoes, would be elected federal deputy on the PTB list.

The couple have since divorced. But at the time, the marriage had held for twenty-seven years.

Today, Thierry Warmoes is no longer a deputy. He handed over his mandate on July 14 but remains active in politics at the local level. When we question him about the complaint filed by the one who was still his wife, Thierry Warmoes denies. “It’s nonsense. She’s trying to blacken me with fabricated stories.”


Back to April 26, 2019, this evening when the police officer Sébastien takes the statement: “My husband has always been verbally violent towards me. At home, I can’t say anything in the household. He decides everything and he does as he pleases. wishes. He takes my money. He does not participate in the household chores or the children’s expenses. He has always belittled and humiliated me. (…) Last night, around half past midnight, he came home from where I don’t know. He smelled strongly of alcohol. He told me he was at the town council. I then told him that when I had called him earlier in the evening to see where he was , he hadn’t hung up his mobile properly and I heard that he was telling other people that I was old, boring and crazy. I asked him why he had said that. Following that, he got angry, he yelled at me loudly and he pulled my hair, hurting me a lot, he dragged me from the kitchen to the hallway near the bathroom. Then he threw me against the kitchen cabinet. My head hit the furniture hard. He started filming me while I was on the ground and in a lot of pain. He told me he was going to publish this. (…) My husband came back to me. I took my shoes off and started to defend myself. He told me that I was going to die once and for all because he no longer needed me and anyone”.

Medical report

The next day, April 27, 2019, Ana Lara Erazo presented herself at the Namur CHR. In the certificate he established, the doctor noted “a hematoma on the right arm” as well as “pain on palpation in the trapezius muscles”. Assessment, 5 days of incapacity for work.

The following month, on Sunday May 26, Thierry Warmoes, head of the PTB list in Namur, created a surprise with a cannon score of 5,664 votes.

His wife, she had to return to the CHR. While she complained of violent pain in her upper back, the doctors issued a new certificate: “Cervical pain since April after an attack by her husband. Increased pain, she cannot turn the head”.

Unable to continue her activity as a babysitter at home, the one who is then still Mrs. Warmoes asked for the intervention of AViQ, the Walloon Agency for a quality life, following, it is specified, “an attack April 25-26, 2019”.

Not the first time

Where are we four years later: “I never heard from anyone. I went back to the police station to file the medical certificates, that of the CHR and that of the attending physician, and I heard nothing more. (.. .) They say justice is slow. I thought it was getting delayed because of the health crisis.”

She is wrong. In reality, M Warmoes was heard “three weeks after the filing of the complaint”, he told us. He denied, pointing to “an implausibility”: “Do you imagine that I would have filmed her after having hit her as she claims, in order to then share such a video in social networks? Think about it. It doesn’t make sense “.

“To Dirty Me”

Well placed in politics to know the problem of violence against women, the former PTB deputy “categorically” refutes, he says, the accusations of the one who, according to him, “says anything to dirty me.”

“I’m not a violent man and people know that,” Warmoes replies. “Last month, I was seen, at football, opposing a man who hit his wife. If I had been a violent husband, there would have been other complaints (than that of 2019).”

Unfortunately for him, there were others.

On December 26, 2002, his wife had already lodged a complaint with the Namur police. “He grabbed me, he hit me in the face. I have a bruise under my right eye. It’s not the first time that my husband has hit me. It’s the third time but I I never filed a complaint”.

The policeman had given her a certificate assuring her that she would be informed of the consequences. Ana Lara Erazo had heard nothing more.

Some time earlier still, a doctor from Vedrin, this time, had noted “hematomas on the left elbow, the buttocks and the right thigh” as well as “pains in the four limbs and the lower spine”.

“She always wanted more”

As for the complaint of April 2019, Thierry Warmoes wanted to contextualize it: “I do not deny that something happened but what she says, it’s all false. knocked. When I came home from the town council after having a drink with a colleague, my wife was waiting for me and she directly started with a shoe. I pushed her away slightly and she fell against the fridge. I categorically deny Again, I’m not an abusive husband, I’m not a man like that.”

In the end, for Thierry Warmoes, “it’s money that there is behind all this. As soon as I became a deputy, she thought that there would be money. She always wanted more.”

A loan of 75,000 euros

Here, it should nevertheless be remembered that when the lady filed a complaint on April 26, 2019, Thierry Warmoes was in the countryside. Not only is he not a federal deputy, but nothing indicates that he will become one on May 26th. At the time of filing a complaint, his wife could not therefore think, as he asserts, that “there would be money.”

But since the former deputy evokes questions of money, a current discussion, which has arisen with the divorce, relates to an installment loan of 75,931.80 euros which his ex-wife denies having signed, her signature having according to her been imitated. . Regarding this case, Ana Lara Erazo filed a criminal complaint, for forgery in private writings. On this too, the former deputy refutes.

A child (adult) of the couple has been contacted. He tells us that along with one of his two sisters, he “fully supports” his mother and “of course, shares her distress, without reservation”.

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