Don’t believe it.. Common sayings about sleep are not true

Follow up – Loujain Ismail:

Most of us pass on some of the inherited sayings without thinking about their truth. Sleep is not safe from these myths, but we tell you that once you feel uncomfortable in your sleeping hours. Which are supposed to be your most relaxing hours. So you know common sayings about sleep are not true.

Durability and stiffness in the purchase of the mattress

The truth is that you should look for what makes you comfortable, no matter what material your mattress is made of.

It is best to buy mattresses made of cotton, wool or latex. Which acts as an insulating material for the leakage of moisture and bacteria through it.

At the same time, it remains able to breathe, and air leaks into it. What maintains its quality for many years.

And mattresses made of natural fibers keep you warm in the cold winter hours. It is also suitable on hot summer days.

Buy a mattress made of wool or something else

Mattresses made of natural fibers look comfortable and wonderful and are suitable for everyone. But in fact there are some people who are allergic to natural fibers. Hence, they cannot enjoy the benefits offered by these mattresses.

But the good news is they can get these mattresses, without there being direct contact. with their body during sleep.

The more threads used to make the mattress, the more comfortable it is

A mattress may have 400 thread count of the fibers used to make it. More comfortable than a mattress with a thousand threads.

You can’t have too many pillows on the bed

In fact, you can have as many pillows as you want. But it is about the raw materials, including those pillows. To suit your personal needs, experts advise buying latex pillows, as they are the most comfortable pillows.

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