Dr. Heba Kotb shocks a caller complaining about the boredom of the relationship with his wife for an unbelievable reason.. Her response was very bold!

Dr. Heba Kotb said in an interview on Al-Nahar channel that the marital relationship does not have an end date between the spouses, no matter how old they are.

The doctor received a question from a person who said: “I am an employee in a tourism company and have been married for 20 years. My wife is a respectable woman and I have three children in high school and university. My problem is that boredom is very affecting my relationship with my wife because all the time I express my feelings and requests on my own, and she is embarrassed and blinded and she has not obeyed or She expressed her feelings and sits down saying that we have grown up and the children have grown up.

He continued his speech with displeasure and said: “It means that we have grown old.”

After that, Dr. Heba Kotb explained in her response to the question that this idea was inspired by society and had no basis in truth, because in old films they used to misinterpret people in some clips by saying, “What is the salvation of Yasi Muhammad, we have grown up.”

The announcer asked the doctor: Does the woman have a default life in the relationship between her and her husband, to surprise the announcer that, on the contrary, a woman has a longer life than a man and that she can practice the marital relationship until she dies because she is the future person and that she does not have a specific age.

The doctor continued her talk that when a woman’s period is interrupted, things are normal and she can practice the relationship without any problems.

She stressed that when a woman grows up, she can practice the relationship naturally, indicating that the man who begins his sexual activity decreases except for some men, his health condition is good and he keeps himself from cigarettes, alcohol, and others, and that the man is the most vulnerable to less sexual activity.

She concluded her speech to explain to people by saying that a woman does not have a “retirement match” in the relationship and does not have a maximum, and a woman who believes that when her children grow up and stay longer than her is salvation, her role ends with being wrong.

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