DRC: Augustin Kabuya betrays the Tshisekediste laboratory and washes Kabila

“Kabila”, this nightmare of the regime led by Félix Tshisekedi since January 2019. Five years following his departure from the supreme office, the father of the peaceful and democratic transition in the DRC finds himself at the heart of a mega campaign led by men of the regime for nebulous interests. According to the latest news, the strong men of the current era accuse the former president of the DRC of subsidizing rebel groups in Eastern Congo, in particular Corneille Nangaa and his Congo River Alliance (AFC).

The statement made by military intelligence this Friday, April 5 during the presentation of Corneille Nangaa’s strategic advisor, Éric Nkuba, reveals the existence of a link between Joseph Kabila and rebel groups. John Numbi, Joseph Olengankoy, Claudel Lubaya and Patient Sayiba are also cited in this great quagmire.

Augustin Kabuya spoils the party for Tshisekedi

However, the heart of the DRC remains cold in the face of these revelations when we know that they continue a line once drawn by the authority of the presidential party, Augustin Kabuya. Two weeks ago, Augustin Kabuya indicated during a political morning of his party that Joseph Kabila had left the country clandestinely to evade justice following his involvement in the rise in insecurity in the east of the country. The Secretary General of the ruling party might not come into contact with this information in advance, say the indiscretions.

Whether Éric Nkuba’s revelations are true or not, they are painted as a backdrop by Félix Tshisekedi whose aspirations to remain in power would be visible, or even very visible to those in the know.

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Public opinion says it finds nothing new in the recent arrest other than a twist. Skeptics accuse the power of seeking through justice to create a macabre political climate which would favor an extension of the presidential mandate in accordance with the popular song of the UDPS clan: “Félix Tshisekedi has not yet worked because Kabila’s men are blocking still the institutions of the country.”

According to our sources, “the Kabila soap opera will never once more have the same resonance in public opinion because Félix Tshisekedi has shown his limits”. For Seth Kikuni, “we are witnessing the creation of scenarios”.

Gaël Hombo

2024-04-06 12:11:15
#DRC #Augustin #Kabuya #betrays #Tshisekediste #laboratory #washes #Kabila

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