Drink ice water and eat lettuce salad to help lose weight? Doctors revealed that 3 kinds of people are not recommended to beware of terrible consequences and fight back|Health 2.0

The weather is hot and I have no appetite for anything. It is rumored on the Internet that drinking ice water and eating lettuce salad can help you lose weight. Is it really true?

Drinking ice water can’t lose weight

There is a lot of controversy about whether drinking ice water has an effect on weight loss. There are also formulas on the Internet that calculate that ice water can help weight loss. Qiu Guanzhong, a Chinese physician, said that the theory of drinking ice water to lose weight is 1 calorie, which can raise 1000c.c. water by 1°C. After drinking 1000c.c. of 5°C ice water, the body must return to the center again. A body temperature of 37°C needs to consume 32 calories. Drinking this way every day for a year seems to burn 1.56 kilograms of fat.

In fact, the theory of losing weight by drinking ice water does not hold, and the complex adaptive system of the human body cannot be predicted by simple calculations. Qiu Guanzhong pointed out that from the viewpoint of traditional Chinese medicine, the stimulation of the gastrointestinal mucosa by ice water will cause vasoconstriction, poor circulation and edema, which is called “spleen dampness”, and is easily accompanied by diarrhea, indigestion and other discomforts;In addition, due to spleen and kidney yang deficiency, asthma, eye, nose, and nose allergies will be aggravated, as well as poor fat metabolism and weight gain.

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3Not suitable for drinking ice water

Qiu Guanzhong reminded that drinking ice water during colds, gastrointestinal discomfort and menstruation will cause physical discomfort instead:

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During a cold, the immune system needs to raise the body temperature to stimulate the immune system. Drinking ice water will cause the temperature of the mucosa to decrease, which is not conducive to the operation of immune cells.

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upset stomach

During gastrointestinal discomfort, drinking ice water will constrict the blood vessels of the gastrointestinal mucosa, causing ischemia and invading bacteria and viruses.


Drinking ice water during menstruation can easily cause uterine contractions and induce menstrual pain.

Eat more lettuce salad It’s harder to lose weight

Qiu Guanzhong said that eating too many cold drinks, lettuce, sashimi and other cold foods and vegetables and fruits in the diet will stagnate the digestion and absorption function of the gastrointestinal tract, cause moisture to accumulate in the body, block the transport and transformation of the spleen, and cause the body to easily appear Back pain, persistent feeling of fatigue, joint and muscle pain, loose stools, or a feeling that the stools are sticky and unclean.

Qiu Guanzhong stressed that eating too much raw and cold food and the accumulation of moisture in the body will also reduce the body’s metabolism, resulting in slow fat consumption and making it difficult to lose weight.

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◎ Image source/Provided by Dazhi Image/shutterstock
◎ Consultant / Doctor Qiu Guanzhong

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