Due to traffic volume: Lucerne wants to ban home delivery of parcels


Because of trafficLucerne wants to ban home delivery of parcels

Parcel delivery vans apparently cause too much traffic. Lucerne now wants to do the same as the city of Bern and abolish home deliveries. In the future, everyone should pick up packages themselves. The SP is now resisting the plans.

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It is possible that parcels will no longer be delivered to your home in the city of Lucerne. (icon picture)

20min/ Taddeo Cerletti

Instead, the mobility department of the city of Lucerne would like to set up parcel pick-up stations.  (icon picture)

Instead, the mobility department of the city of Lucerne would like to set up parcel pick-up stations. (icon picture)

Getty Images

Claudio soldi from the SP is the first to sign the postulate against this measure proposed by the mobility department of the city of lucerne.

Claudio soldi from the SP is the first to sign the postulate against this measure proposed by the mobility department of the city of lucerne.

Claudius Soldati

That’s what it’s about:

  • Following the example of the city of Bern, Lucerne now also wants to abolish home delivery of parcels.

  • The reason for this is that vans often cause traffic jams, especially in the most populated parts of the city.

  • According to the Mobility Department of the City of Lucerne, the solution to this problem would be to set up pick-up stations for parcels.

  • However, the SP believes that this solution could even worsen traffic in the city and calls on Lucerne City Council to reconsider the project.

The delivery of packages in the period between Black Friday and Christmas is a big task for postmen and women. It is estimated that during this period around a million packages a day delivered throughout Switzerland, even 1.3 million parcels on the peak day, i.e. more than 60 percent more than on an average day.

According to the Mobility Department of the City of Lucerne, all of these home deliveries have a significant impact on city traffic. Inspired by an initiative by the city of Bern, Lucerne is now planning to stop parcel deliveries. Online customers should pick up their parcel themselves at a parcel pick-up station. However, the SP does not put up with this: it demands that this proposal be reconsidered immediately.

Disrupting home deliveries could actually make traffic worse

“Paradoxically, setting up parcel pick-up stations could worsen traffic in the city,” explains Claudio Soldieri to 20 minutes. The SP city councilor is the first to sign the postulate, which calls on the city of Lucerne not to stop home deliveries. “In my view, reduced home deliveries of parcels would lead to more traffic if all addressees then had to pick up their parcels themselves.”

However, there is also a simple solution to this potential problem: It is sufficient to build self-pickup stations in parts of the city with few motorists, said David Walter, project manager of the mobility department of the city of Lucerne.Luzerner Zeitung

The signers of the postulate, on the other hand, believe that this solution is extremely problematic. If parcel pick-up stations were only to be set up in districts with few motorists, it would mean that neighborhoods with many car owners would not have to fear any restrictions on public services, meaning that owning a car would be downright rewarded.

An unlawful change in the Postal Act

Denise Birchler, spokeswoman for the Swiss Post, pointed to another major problem regarding a possible stop to home deliveries: “We reject the project for two main reasons. Firstly, human contact is important for our postmen and women, which is given by the possibility of delivering parcels directly to citizens, and secondly, setting up parcel collection points would be a violation of the Postal Act. »

As home delivery of goods is a service to the general public, it should be considered as part of the so-called economically necessary transport. And this intercourse, as also mentioned in the postulate, should be maintained in accordance with the law. Restricting this traffic could therefore constitute a violation of the Postal Act. However, the Mobility City of Lucerne project has not yet been approved. The postulate signed by soldati is still under discussion.

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