Early menopause: what is it? What signs? What treatments?

2024-03-27 20:15:00

Menopause is defined asabsence of periods (or “amenorrhea”) in women for more than a year, without identified cause, and occurring between the ages of 45 and 55 (at the average age of 51 in France). But if the definitive cessation of menstruation occurs naturally before the age of 40, we then speak ofpremature ovarian failureor early menopause, indicates the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) (source 1).

Definition: what is early menopause? At what age ?

“Early menopause corresponds to the permanent disappearance of periods before the age of 40 », explains an article in the MSD Manual (source 1). “From one point of view hormonal, early menopause resembles natural menopause. The ovaries produce very little or no estrogen. Ovulation stops completely or almost completely “.

Early menopause and premenopause: not to be confused

Be careful, we must not confuse early menopause with perimenopause or premenopausethis phase which precedes menopause, a sort of “transition period” which lasts two to four years and during which the first symptoms of menopause can appear.

What are the symptoms of early menopause?

“Some women may not present no symptoms, except that the periods become less abundant or irregular, or stop (amenorrhea),” writes Dr. JoAnn V. Pinkerton in her article for the MSD Manual. “Other women develop infertility or the same symptoms than those associated with a normal menopause (which occurs around the age of 51)”, such as:

“Lack of estrogen can cause decreased bone density (osteoporosis), as well as thinning and dryness of the vaginal mucosa », adds the article.

What are the causes of early menopause?

The causes of early menopause in women can be multiple.

Genetic factors

If your mother, grandmother or sister suffered from early menopause, you will certainly have to go through the same ordeal. Indeed, the genetic factor was pointed out by researchers.

Early menopause is linked to genes. It is therefore associated with certain diseases or genetic mutations. The women who are most at risk are those with fragile X syndrome. This rare disease affects intellectual abilities and causes learning and language difficulties. Even if you do not have this syndrome, you may have developed mutation that affects your ovaries and results in primary ovarian failure associated with fragile X.

Women suffering from Turner syndrome are also likely to develop menopause between the ages of 30 and 40.

The consequences of autoimmune diseases

The thyroiditis may explain the development of early menopause. The same goes for the Addison’s disease, for which the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones. In these two cases, the organism turns against itself and attacks ovarian follicles (cells containing the oocyte), preventing them from functioning.

Tobacco and endocrine disruptors are harmful

We are all born with a stock of ovarian follicles that are meant to last until the natural age of menopause, around age 50. Regular exposure to toxins like tobacco or pesticides can affect this reserve and speed up the menopause process.

Chemotherapy and radiotherapy

THE cancer treatments can affect the genetic code of ovarian cells. This does not mean that all women who have undergone chemotherapy or radiotherapy will go through menopause earlier. It all depends on type of medication received, from radiation doseof the’age at time of treatment and some body area. Symptoms of early menopause may appear years later, or may not appear at all.

Ovarian surgery

Finally, for some women, early menopause can be caused by surgery to remove the ovaries.

How do you know if you are in early menopause?

” Doctor suspects early menopause when a woman under 40 years of age has symptoms of menopause, or few or no periods, or is unable to become pregnant,” the MSD Manual states.

In order to confirm the diagnosis of early menopause, we generally carry out:

And pregnancy test to ensure that the cessation of periods is not due to pregnancy; A dosage of estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone levels (which stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries). “These measurements should be repeated every week for several weeks to confirm the diagnosis of early menopause”;

Of the additional exams can be carried out to allow doctors to identify the cause of early menopause: blood test for anti-Müllerian hormone, bone density, etc.

How to treat the symptoms of early menopause?

“Faced with unpleasant or bothersome symptoms, solutions exist. It is recommended to talk to a healthcare professional to choose those which will have the best benefit-risk ratio,” indicates Inserm. In addition, a deficit ofestrogen at 40 years old exposes you to the risks of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, etc. This is why, unless contraindicated, treatment is generally recommended. Various measures, including estrogen can reduce symptoms.

If women don’t want a pregnancy

If women with early menopause do not want to become pregnant, They are prescribed one of the following options, the MSD Manual says:

” A birth control pill or patch which contains estrogen and one progestin (estrogen-progestogen oral contraceptives); hormonal treatment for menopause (also called hormone replacement therapy) containing estrogen and progestin (a synthetic form of the female hormone progesterone) or progesterone.”

Of the natural solutions also exist to relieve symptoms, including hot flashes. Of the food supplements can be prescribed.

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