Eat more of these 3 foods!Help you boost your immunity | Fan News

Eat more of these 3 foods!Help you boost your immunity / Comprehensive report

Immunity is very important for everyone, it is an important defense mechanism of the human body. When our immunity is weakened, our body is prone to get sick, it may be a small cold, or it may be serious enough to be life-threatening. So how should we improve our immunity in our daily life?

Eating more garlic can help boost immunity. Figure: flipping freepik

Studies have shown that eating more of these three foods can improve the body’s immunity.
1. Eat more garlic. Garlic contains allicin that can help fight infection and bacteria. People who like to eat some garlic every day are less likely to catch a cold. In one study, people who ate garlic were two-thirds less likely to get a cold.
2. Eat more fish. Salmon, mackerel, and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids that reduce inflammation and reduce the risk of respiratory infections. An animal study also found that nutrients may help ward off various flu viruses. Salmon is another great source of vitamin D.
3. Eat more green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, dietary fiber, and plant pigments. Regular consumption has a good supplementary effect on the body and can help prevent basic problems such as bleeding gums and constipation.

You can also do this to boost your immune system. To achieve a comprehensive and balanced diet, eat a variety of nutrients, eat a variety of foods, so that you are not picky eaters. To combine work and rest, don’t stay up late to play mobile phones, go to bed early and get up early, and fall asleep before eleven o’clock every night. Get 7-9 hours of sleep. Insist on exercising, and metabolize the body’s calories through moderate exercise every day for 30 minutes a day. The combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise prevents obesity. Refuse indiscriminate drug use, overdose, avoid drug dependence, and don’t make trouble for your own immunity. Insist on doing your own hobbies, keep an optimistic and positive attitude, try not to get angry or lose your temper, and protect your immunity from being affected by emotions.

this news Eat more of these 3 foods!Help you boost your immunity first appeared in Taoyuan Electronic News Network

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