Eating for a Sharp Mind: Brain-Nourishing Foods to Reduce Dementia Risk

2023-09-15 06:21:48

Let’s eat. Before it’s too late! How to reduce the risk of dementia quickly End the problem of brain fatigue It’s easy to have a dull brain. Just choose the right brain-nourishing foods.

because “brain” It is an organ that works hard all the time. Not even when we sleep. When I get older Brain function will begin to deteriorate day by day, especially when reaching the age of 40+. It will start to become evident that there will be symptoms of brain fatigue, dullness of mind, thinking more slowly, forgetting and forgetting. Waking up feels like the brain Not clear It happens to our bodies more often. There will be warning signs that we can feel, such as

Feeling dizzy, tired, often dizzy, or have chronic headaches?

Symptoms of forgetfulness and worsening of memory, especially short-term memory (STM), such as not remembering when you were going to pick up something. or not remembering what time to wake up, etc.

I can’t think of anything. or think more slowly Including making decisions more slowly

Decreased concentration at work Inability to focus on one task for long and may have a learning decline Not as sharp as before

Insomnia, difficulty staying asleep, or not staying asleep throughout the night When I woke up, I was not refreshed and had no energy.

Brain fatigue, brain fatigue
What are the causes?

In addition to increasing age, it is one factor that increases the risk of dementia. Which causes brain fatigue and dullness of the brain. It can also be caused by other causes such as

Magnetic waves from excessive use of computers, smartphones, or tablets cause the secretion of neurotransmitters in the brain to be disturbed.

Not getting enough sleep or poor sleep quality, not sleeping well, frequently waking up When I woke up I felt that my brain was dizzy and confused.

There is accumulated stress. This causes blood flow to the brain to decrease.

lack of exercise Causes poor blood circulation The functioning of various organs becomes less efficient. Especially the functioning of the brain

Lack of nutrients, especially brain-nourishing nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids or vitamin B12.

And if the brain is allowed to be tired for a long time, it may affect long-term brain function, such as premature dementia. Therefore, people aged 40+ who want to reduce the risk of dementia quickly Therefore you should take good care of yourself. This may start easily by eating brain-nourishing foods regularly.

Brain nourishing food
Eat it to strengthen your brain before it deteriorates.

1. Germinated brown rice

In germinated brown rice, the amount of GABA is 15 times higher than normal brown rice. This type of substance is an important neurotransmitter in the central nervous system. There is information from many studies indicating that GABA can help prevent Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps reduce stress. Anxiety Lower blood pressure and make you sleep more comfortably as well

2. Nuts

Nuts contain alpha-linoleic acid. (Alpha-linolenic acid-ALA) or omega-3 fatty acids found in plants. which helps enhance memory And there is also a study from UCLA that found that eating nuts regularly can help improve learning skills. It also promotes the functioning of the nervous system and brain to function normally. by alpha-linoleic fatty acid (Alpha-linolenic acid-ALA) found in abundance in almonds, walnuts, pecans, Inca star nuts, etc.

3. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like kale, spinach, and broccoli are rich in many brain-nourishing nutrients, such as vitamin K, which helps increase brain power in learning skills. Helps the brain work more efficiently. Folate that helps prevent brain fog. Beta-carotene that helps stimulate brain function. and reduce the deterioration of the nervous system

4. Berries

Various berry fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, etc. can help slow down the deterioration of the brain in the memory and concentration areas. Especially among women aged 40+ and menopausal women. It is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants. That reduces inflammation of various cells, thus helping to slow down the deterioration of the brain in another way.

5. Tuna

Tuna is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, with high levels of EPA and DHA fatty acids. Tuna also contains vitamin B12 and zinc, all of which are beneficial nutrients as follows.

Omega 3 fatty acids It helps to nourish the brain, enhance memory, and if received in sufficient quantities, it can help reduce the risk of brain deterioration. The fatty acids EPA and DHA help prevent degeneration of the nervous system. and helps reduce the risk of dementia

Vitamin B12 Helps nourish the brain Enhance the reception and transmission of information to the brain It will help nourish the nervous system and brain to function normally. and helps prevent abnormalities that occur in the central nervous system.

sync Helps maintain the balance of the nervous system and brain. Reduce symptoms of brain fatigue Helps the brain stay awake It also helps reduce the risk of dementia that may result in impaired learning and memory.

All of these are brain-nourishing foods that we can eat on a daily basis. But eating all 5 foods every day is difficult. Therefore, the simpler and more convenient option is Looking for dietary supplements like “ZEA Tuna Extract Soup” Naturally extracted from deep-sea tuna. There are 3 types of brain nourishing nutrients in one bottle, including Omega 3, Vitamin B12 and Zinc, which help nourish the brain, enhance memory, and slow down brain degeneration. Provides more benefits than taking general vitamins or other extracted soups using nanofiltration technology This results in small protein molecules that are easily absorbed by the body. It has also been certified by Japan Food Research Laboratories, a world-leading food research institute in Japan. So you can be confident in the quality.

If you enter the age of 40+, you should take care of your brain health today. By getting enough sleep Exercise regularly Try to avoid stress. And don’t spend too much time on the screen. Importantly, you should nourish your brain as well. “ZEA Tuna Extract Soup” on a daily basis End the problem of brain fog and brain fatigue in just one bottle. The more people who begin to have symptoms of brain fog I can’t think of anything. and easily forgetful You have to drink it quickly!

“ZEA Tuna Extract Soup” There are 2 flavors to choose from: original and passion fruit. Delicious, easy to drink, not fishy.
Can be purchased at Big C, Lotus’s, Tops, The Mall, Foodland.
or order through online channels at Shopee

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