eating goji berries could protect your eyes

Your diet would have an impact on the development of DMLA. According to a recent study published in the journal Nutrients, a single dose of 28.34 grams of dried goji berries per day may help prevent or at least delay the onset of age-related vision problems. The goji berry is a berry of the common wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and the Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense), two shrubs found in the autonomous region of Ningxia, China.

Increase in protective pigments in the eyes

We knew benefits of goji berries Known for boosting the immune system, including its high vitamin C, vitamin A, and beta-carotene content and strong antioxidant values, researchers at the University of California-Davis have found that eating the fruit daily improves eye health, protecting against age-related macular degeneration (DMLA). In Chinese medicine, goji berries are said to have “eye-brightening” qualities. They therefore wanted to know which eye disease could be treated by these virtues.

As a reminder, this is a eye disease of the central part of the retina, called the macula. There are two forms of AMD: dry degeneration (85 to 90% of cases) and wet degeneration (10 to 15% of cases). “AMD affects your central field of vision and can affect your ability to read or recognize faces,” study co-author Glenn Yiu said in a university statement. This is an important issue since the age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in older people and the disease affects the eyesight of approximately 170 million people worldwide.

A “sunscreen for your eyes”

The new study reveals that adults between the ages of 45 and 65 consuming 28 grams (a handful) of Goji berries dried five times a week saw an increase in the density of protective pigments in their eyes. The 13 healthy study participants ate the fruit for 90 days during the experiment. Conversely, the other 14 study participants who consumed an eye health dietary supplement during the same period saw no increase in the density of these important pigments.

Specifically, the study authors claim that the consumption of goji berries has increased the density of two pigments, lutein and zeaxanthin. They have a protective action on the eyes as they filter harmful blue light and also provide antioxidant protection, two elements that contribute to eye aging. “Lutein and zeaxanthin are like sunscreen for your eyes“, adds the study’s lead author Xiang Li. The higher the lutein and zeaxanthin in your retina, the more protected you are. Our study found that even in normal healthy eyes, these optical pigments can be increased with a small daily serving of goji berries.” Our study shows that goji berries, which are a natural food source, can t improve macular pigment in healthy participants beyond taking high-dose dietary supplements“, concludes Yiu. “The next step of our research will be to examine the impact of the consumption of goji berries in patients with AMD at an early stage”, specifies the researcher.

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