Ecological destruction of electoral documentation

After exercise of participation citizenunprecedented at the level federalnamed from Revocation of Mandate carried out last year, and agreement with what various provisions of the law Federal of Revocation of Mandatethe General Law of Institutions y Procedures electoral and the internal regulations of the Institute National Electoral (INE), responsible for said exercisemust be proceed to destruction of the slips where the citizenship manifested his opinionas well as diverse documentation electoral used once said exercise.

Los documents subject to process of destruction include the slips that they did the times of a ballot electoral in an election, that is, where the elections were registered. opinions valid from the citizenshipnulls, as well as slips leftovers; the nominal lists of voters y voters that were used by the officials of box and the physical formats in which the backup support was captured citizen to carry out this exercise of direct democracy.

It is important to mention that, agreement with the provisions adopted by the INE documentation referred that was considered for its destructionfor no reason should destroy through incineration, burial or any other means that have harmful polluting effects, therefore, in order to preserve the environment, the authority electoral national privileged a process ecologicalthat is, the recycling of the paper.

Among other aspects, the process refers that the meetings will be district executives of the INE (which in the country are 300 due to an equal number of districts electoral uninominales in which the country is divided), who will draw up a Circumstantiated Act where they register the process opening of the warehouses district where is said guarded documentation; the state physical in which the packages are found electoral; the record of the documentation; the exit of the same, as well as the place where the process of destructioninviting the representatives of the political parties to verify said process.

In this sense, and as the INE has been developing through various agreements, it informed the Commission National of Books of Text free (CONALITEG), body public decentralized administration public federal in charge of producing and to distribute so free los books of text that are required by the students enrolled in the Educational System Nationalas well as even others books o documents determined by the Ministry of Education publicon said process in order to put your provision the documentation a destroyso that, once recycled, it is used precisely for the elaboration of books of text free.

The agreement taken by the INE, on June 30, it leaves pending the process of destruction los documents who are involved in a complaint filed, in any means of challenge or, immersed in a process penalty that is in progress. Also, they may not destroy nominal lists with photographs found in study; slips y documentation of casillas that have been required or are part of a process investigation by the Specialized Prosecutor for Crimes electoral or the corresponding one of the entities federativeuntil the completion of the studies or the processes judicial investigation.

How can we observe a exercise of this nature involves many activities beyond the citizenship go to the casillas to issue your opinion or, in elections, to cast their vote in the polls.

Similarly, the process ecological that the INE has followed for the destruction of documentation electoral for this one exercise of Revocation of Mandategoes the same route that it follows for the processes electoral with what we know today that our opinion or our vote, may be tomorrow in the pages of a book of text in the hands of the students of Mexico and this process makes the institutions not only fulfill their function, but carry it out with the benefit of each and every Mexican in mind.

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