Ecological planning of the health system: 2nd meeting of the national steering committee

2023-12-15 14:59:22

Friday December 15, 2023, Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Health responsible for Territorial Organization and health professions, chaired the second meeting of the Steering Committee for ecological planning for the health system, in presence of Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service, and Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry.

Six months following the announcement of an interministerial roadmap, the ministers took stock of the implementation of the 7 areas of work presented last May. More than half of the commitments have been implemented in part or in full, in compliance with the objectives of the first COPIL.

This second meeting was an opportunity to present a new axis of the roadmap devoted to health products and industry, but also to set out the management tools or even territorialization of planning. COPIL members were able to officially sign the Ecological Planning Convention for the health system. Replacing the Sustainable Development Convention, until now passed between the State and representatives of the sector, it makes it possible to anchor commitments with all stakeholders for a period of 5 years on this major subject.

The ministers were able to discuss with all the partners of the health system and present new announcements around 3 areas of work:

1. A new focus on health products and industry

The consumption and production of health products represent more than half of the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. Their decarbonization is a priority objective which mobilizes the industrial sector in conjunction with the Government. To respond to this, several levers are possible, from the decarbonization of production processes through purchasing levers, to those linked to waste recycling or the reduction of packaging. The industry has made a certain number of proposals regarding medicines and soon medical devices, which the Government is committed to examining.

  • A methodology for calculating the carbon footprint of medicines, with a view to ultimately leading to an “Eco-score” type tool health products, will be developed in 2024. It will notably make it possible to strengthen the consideration of the carbon footprint in public procurement.
  • In parallel, the launch of work on the dematerialization of certain medication leaflets to limit the carbon and environmental costs linked to the production of printed instructions and their waste is planned for early 2024. Concerned with adaptation to patients, this experiment will be progressive and will also aim to improve access to information . Like the work carried out with the 50 major emitting sites, decarbonization roadmaps will be requested from health manufacturers who have the largest production sites.

2. Support as close as possible to the needs of establishments

To help health and medico-social establishments to take advantage of and monitor aid schemes for financing the ecological transition, which are often very complex, a one-stop shop like Aides Territories will be developed by the end of the second quarter of 2024. This window will allow establishments to benefit from monitoring of all existing aid schemes for ecological planning, to put together an application file and to support them, to monitor and report the amounts of aid obtained.

Furthermore, the field support offered by ANAP to establishments to build their sustainable development approach will be renewed in 2024 for 500 establishments.

Better understanding and analyzing the links between health and the environment is an issue of prime importance. As part of the training plan for public officials in ecological transition, deployed by Stanislas Guerini, hospital managers have started training since this summer in four modules, designed by a multi-professional group made up in particular of the School of Advanced Studies in Public Health (EHESP), the National Agency for Health and Medico-Social Performance (ANAP), and the French Hospital Federation. This training aims to give Directors, Presidents of Establishment Medical Commissions and General Care Coordinators the keys to understanding the systemic dimension of ecological transition issues, as well as levers enabling an ecological transition approach within of their establishment. This training will be supplemented by a field visit, organized in the region and shared with State civil service executives, in an inter-sector logic, to meet actors who have launched their ecological transition plan. .

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A letter, co-signed by Stanislas Guerini and Agnès Firmin Le Bodo, was sent this week to hospital leaders to invite them to train without delay and to identify people within their establishments who volunteer to become, in turn, trainers.

The objective is to train by 2025 6,500 hospital directors, directors of health, social and medico-social establishments, care directors and Presidents of establishment Medical Commissions, and all 1.2 million public sector hospital workers by 2027.

3. Ensure management for concrete results

Because the proper deployment of the roadmap can only be done through precise and effective monitoring, the “My sustainable development observatory” toolallowing hospital managers access to a dashboard (national, regional and by establishment) of sustainable development indicators as well as the development of a new carbon calculation tool to measure its greenhouse gas emission reductions will be put in place from the start of 2024. We will be able to almost instantly track the carbon emissions of the entire health sector at local, regional and national scales.

In order to monitor the implementation of this roadmap as close as possible to the territories, regional health agencies will be asked to set up regional steering committees in 2024 to implement the national roadmap.

To ensure monitoring of the roadmap, a next steering committee will be organized in the summer of 2024.

“6 months following the launch of the roadmap for ecological planning for the health system, I see that all the players are still there. I thank them for their unwavering commitment over the past few months. Ecological planning of the health system can only be done transversally and interministerially. It is sometimes a change of method, in all cases a change of paradigm. On this subject which obliges us all, it is a source of pride for me to see that we continue to move forward collectively. 6 months later, more than one in two commitments on the roadmap have been launched or finalized! » – Agnès Firmin Le Bodo

“Decarbonization in health is at the intersection of industrial and sovereignty issues. We must make decarbonization a factor of competitiveness, by supporting and promoting manufacturers who reduce their environmental footprint. This roadmap is essential because it is only by adopting a global approach and involving all stakeholders that we will be able to quickly and effectively decarbonize our health system. » – Roland Lescure

“To succeed in ecological planning, we need the mobilization of everyone, in all sectors. At a time when ecology has a considerable impact on our health, our conviction today remains that training is the prerequisite for action. It is in this state of mind that we have deployed a major plan to train 5.7 million public officials in the ecological transition, including 1.2 million hospital workers. This is an unprecedented plan and a first in Europe. » – Stanislas Guerini

The updated roadmap is available online via the website of the Ministry of Health and Prevention

Contacts presse :

Delegate Ministry in charge of Territorial Organization and Health Professions

Office of Mrs. Agnès Firmin Le Bodo

Tel: 01 40 56 84 86


Ministry of Transformation and Public Service

Cabinet of M. Stanislas Guerini

Tel: 01 53 18 42 68 / 42 76


Delegated Ministry of Industry

Office of Mr. Roland Lescure

Tel: 01 53 18 46 19


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