EDF Bill Error: Family Receives Shocking 230,000 Euro Invoice

2023-09-20 19:38:16

A bill of 230,000 euros when three of you live in a house, it’s surprising. For months, however, this is the amount that has been displayed on Annie Gomez’s customer area. She is 56 years old and lives in Toulouges, in the Pyrénées-Orientales, with her daughter and her grandson.

When we click on this invoice, explains daughter Marine Gomez, it kicks us out of the site, we can’t download the invoice, but this amount of 230,000 euros appears every time.” The Gomez family explains that they are up to date with their payments and, alongside this crazy invoice, there is another invoice of 8,000 euros for arrears.

To find out more, of course, the family tried to contact EDF on multiple occasions:They must have seen their mistake, but they don’t want to admit it. They will have to admit it one day or another! Whether the error is computer or human, it happens, but we have to stop. We keep calling, we call again and again, we are given one service then another, we are taken for less than nothing, they must see that the bill is enormous and it is not possible that ‘a household of three people consumes as much.”

“We are taken for less than nothing”

The twist took place last Friday. The power was cut : “we lost three freezers of food, everything had to be thrown away“. It was at this moment that the Gomez family turned to the mayor of Toulouges, Nicolas Barthe and the mayor of Perpignan, Louis Aliot, also showed his support for the familyjust like MP Sandrine Dogor-Such: “without the support of elected officials, we would surely still be in the dark today.

According to the Gomez family, they were told by telephone that the power was cut following unpaid bills (which EDF contested with France Bleu Roussillon). Power was restored during the day on Monday. During this time, the sum of 232,672 euros is still displayed on the Gomez app: “It’s supposedly a bill for 2022-2023, I won’t give up, it affects my mother’s state of health, if we have to go to court, we will go. We will ask for damages equal to what they are asking us. They had no qualms about asking us for such an amount, so I won’t have any qualms about asking the same amount.

EDF specifies that it is not claiming 230,000 euros from this customer

EDF does not wish to speak at the microphone of France Bleu Roussillon, but has nevertheless provided explanations on this file which seems to embarrass the electricity supplier. No, EDF is not demanding 230,000 euros from this Toulougienne : this amount would not be that of an invoice, but that of an estimate following a bad meter reading on the part of the customer.

As for the power outage, EDF evokes a stroke of chance and formally refutes being at the origin of this cut and mentions “a fuse that blew and a technician intervened to restore power.” Still with France Bleu Roussillon, EDF clarified that the family in question owes a bill of 8,000 euros for unpaid debts since 2018, but the supplier would be ready to make a commercial gesture by reducing the bill to 2,500 euros ( the family also disputes this bill).

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#months #thought #owed #euros #EDF

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