Educational unemployment The day

2023-09-13 08:33:08

Petar Jandrić and Sarah Hayes (2020) consider tool making to be one of humanity’s main distinguishing features. The relationship with tools determines the historical progress of the stone age (Stone Age, Bronze Age…). But with the industrial revolutions, tools became more complex and required joint effort to design. Its industry reflects the social, economic and technological ways of arranging our daily affairs. But what awaits us in the digital and post-digital era? Technology promises us a world without work, with humans having fun and machines working. Fear of technology because it makes us lose jobs and roles. But our fear is of using it, not of its existence. Universities prepare students for the market, but they also change and develop the market. Facebook was invented by Zuckerberg, a student at Harvard. Fear is a force that drives people to change, but we must determine what needs to be changed first. The issue is that “post-digital is a break in…

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