Effective Exercises to Reduce Fluid Retention and Improve Leg Health

2023-07-18 03:25:59

Fluid retention in the legs is a common problem that can cause swelling, discomfort, and pain. Fortunately, regular exercise can be an effective tool in reducing fluid retention and promoting blood circulation in the legs.

walk briskly or jog

Brisk walking or jogging are low-impact aerobic exercises that can help stimulate circulation and reduce fluid retention in the legs. According to the portal sabervivirtv.com, these exercises increase blood flow in the legs, which in turn helps to eliminate excess accumulated fluid. Try to take brisk walks for 30 to 45 minutes a day or alternate brisk walks with easy jogs for best results.

Walking helps lose weight. | Photo: Getty Images

Leg raising exercises

yoga for legs

Regular yoga practice can be beneficial in reducing fluid retention in the legs and promoting healthy blood circulation. According to the portal mundodeportivo.com, “yoga postures that involve stretching the legs and gentle movements can help relieve swelling and improve fluid flow in the legs.” Some recommended poses include Leg-on-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), and Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana).

Young adult woman is practicing yoga in a modern loft. Half lotus pose or ardha padmasana. | Photo: Getty Images

Other healthy practices

drink enough water

Although not technically an exercise, staying hydrated is essential to reduce fluid retention in the legs. Health experts explain that drinking enough water helps stimulate kidney function and promote the elimination of accumulated fluids in the body, including the legs. It is recommended to consume at least 8 glasses of water a day to maintain adequate hydration and support the health of your legs.

Drinking water can is great for health. | Photo: Getty Images

Avoid sedentary lifestyle and prolonged periods of standing

A sedentary lifestyle and prolonged periods of standing can contribute to fluid retention in the legs. Health experts recommend avoiding sitting or standing for long periods of time without movement. If you have a job that requires you to sit for most of the day, try taking regular breaks to get up and move around. Similarly, if you have a job that requires standing, take breaks to sit and elevate your legs when possible.

Consult a health professional

Lastly, fluid retention in the legs can be uncomfortable and negatively affect quality of life. However, with the right exercises and a healthy approach, you can reduce fluid retention and promote better blood circulation in the legs. You can try the exercises mentioned above such as brisk walking, leg raising exercises, and yoga for the legs to get relief and improve leg health.

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