Effective five-minute exercise to stop snoring

Snoring is the harsh or loud sound that occurs when air passes through the relaxed tissues of the throat, causing them to vibrate as you breathe.

Experts estimate that almost all people snore from time to time. Nevertheless, For some, snoring can be a chronic problem and can even indicate a serious illness. The foregoing, without forgetting that snoring can be a nuisance for the couple, reports the Mayo Clinic.

Victims of a snorer complain that falling asleep to these noises is almost impossible. But recent studies indicate that the worst part is not for those who must put up with that unbearable noise, but for those who produce it. People who snore may have sleep apnea, a medical condition in which people stop breathing while sleeping.

To diagnose the disorder, your doctor will review your signs and symptoms and your medical history. The doctor may also do a physical exam. Your doctor may ask your partner when and how you snore in order to assess the severity of the problem. If your child snores, they will ask you about the severity of their snoring,” Mayo Clinic explained.

Therefore, the specialized portal Salud180 explained how to perform an exercise in five minutes that can be effective in stopping snoring and that aims to strengthen the muscles of the respiratory system.


1. Open your mouth as wide as possible and stretch your tongue out with force.

2. Move the stretched tongue from side to side and up and down.

3. Hum a song, if possible, out loud.

The above exercise will relax the respiratory system and the mouth, neck, throat, pharynx and nose. In addition to this, there are other tips that can be put into practice to avoid or, if necessary, silence snoring, recommended by the Mayo Clinic:

  • Lose weight, if you are overweight: overweight people may have extra tissues in the throat that contribute to snoring. Losing weight can help reduce snoring.

  • Side sleeping: when lying on your back, the tongue falls back into the throat, narrowing the airway and partially obstructing airflow. Try to sleep on your side.
  • Raise the head of the bed: Raising the head of the bed about 10 centimeters can help reduce noise caused by poor positioning.
  • Stop smoking: This action can reduce snoring, in addition to having many other benefits for health and, above all, for the respiratory system.
  • Get enough sleep: adults should aim to sleep at least seven hours a night. The recommended hours of sleep for children vary by age. Preschool children should sleep 10 to 13 hours a day. School-age children need nine to 12 hours a day and teenagers eight to 10 hours a day.
  • Limit or avoid alcohol and sedatives: it is advisable to avoid these drinks at least two hours before bedtime and to inform the doctor about snoring before taking sedatives. Sedatives and alcohol depress the central nervous systemwhich causes excessive relaxation of the muscles, including the tissues of the throat.

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