Effective Home Remedies to Remove Tartar and Improve Dental Health

2023-11-05 17:46:58

Tartar is a layer of bacterial plaque that forms on the teeth and on the gum line and is mainly due to the accumulation of bacterial plaque and certain improper habits. To avoid this, it is important to maintain a good oral hygiene routine and limit the consumption of foods and drinks that may contribute to its formation.

Calculus on teeth appears as a result of poor oral hygiene. | Photo: ViewApart/Getty Images

Currently, there are home remedies to naturally eliminate tartar that is produced by consuming sugary, fatty or refined foods. This is in order to avoid inflammation of the gums and, in extreme cases, the displacement or fall of pieces.


Getting rid of tartar can be quite simple. You only need to consume one raw red apple a day to obtain the benefits of this fruit on dental health. According to Dental 2DOCE, the apple cleans the surface of the teeth and strengthens the gums.

“It protects teeth by reducing the chances of bacterial plaque forming. As? When we bite an apple, since it is a hard food, we drag along the small particles that may have gotten stuck to our teeth, partially cleaning them,” the portal’s specialists highlight.

orange and lemon

Another contribution of fruit for removing tartar is found in the vitamin C in citrus fruits. Orange peel, for example, is often wasted. However, specialists from the Mejor con Salud portal suggest passing the inner part of the shell over the teeth, “emphasizing the border with the gums.”

Orange is a fruit rich in vitamin C. | Photo: GettyImages

Finally, they advise rinsing with warm water to avoid acid erosion. This same procedure can be done with lemon. In this case, it is suggested to gently rub the pulp of a lemon on the teeth and gums for about 2-3 minutes, and then rinse with water.

More natural remedies

Baking soda: Baking soda is an ingredient often used in dental cleaning to whiten teeth and reduce plaque. To use this home remedy, you can mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a little water to form a paste, and brush your teeth with this mixture once a week. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial properties that can Help prevent the buildup of dental plaque and tartar formation. To use this home remedy, you can mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and gargle with this solution before brushing your teeth. Coconut oil: Coconut oil is a natural ingredient that can help reduce plaque. bacterial and prevent the formation of dental tartar. It is recommended to gargle with a tablespoon of coconut oil for about 15-20 minutes a day, before brushing your teeth.

Coconut oil is a natural ingredient that can help reduce plaque bacteria. | Photo: @gettyimages

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