Effective Methods and Exercises to Slim Your Face and Reduce Double Chin Safely

2023-10-14 11:00:00

More and more people want to slim their face without having to resort to drastic measures such as cosmetic surgery. Fortunately, there are various methods and exercises that will help you reduce double chin and combat facial sagging safely and effectively.

Diet, an important factor to lose weight in the face

If you are looking to slim your face and obtain a finer appearance, it is essential to follow a healthy and balanced diet. Avoiding excessive consumption of fatty foods, especially carbohydrates such as bread and cakes, is essential to reduce facial volume.

Regarding nutrition, it is recommended to have a healthy and balanced diet, avoiding fatty meats, fried foods, sugary drinks and dairy products.

Opting for foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins, such as strawberries, asparagus, carrots and oranges, can help improve skin health and control oil production.

Practice facial exercises to slim your face and reduce double chin

Slimming your face without resorting to a scalpel is possible through facial exercises, good hydration, a healthy diet, an adequate skin care routine and the practice of relaxation techniques. Don’t wait any longer and start working on that face you’ve always wanted!

One of the most popular options is facial gymnastics, which consists of a series of specific exercises to tone the muscles of the face. The influencer Susana Yábar, a fitness expert, shares in a video a routine to slim down a round face, focused on reducing the cheeks and eliminating sagging cheeks.

Another alternative is facial yoga, which focuses on exercising the muscles of the face through controlled movements and stretches. TikToker María Rodríguez, facial yoga instructor, shares in her posts various exercises that you can do at home, using objects such as corks, pens or pencils.

In addition to exercises, it is essential to maintain well-cared for and oil-free skin. It is recommended to properly clean the face, as well as the brushes and towels used. In addition, it is advisable to drink two liters of water a day to keep the body hydrated and help reduce the volume of the face.

Rest and avoiding stress are essential to slimming the face

Likewise, it is important to take care of your rest and avoid stress, since the body tends to produce fat on the face when it is under pressure. Sleeping eight hours a day and maintaining proper posture, with your head higher than your shoulders, can help prevent fluid retention in the face and neck.

To correct facial sagging, it is recommended to perform specific exercises that strengthen the muscles of the mouth and jaw. The facial gymnastics expert, Cristina Ramos, shares a routine that combines the use of cream with movements in the mouth and jaw to tone the lower part of the face.

In addition to exercises, you can opt for massage techniques such as Gua Sha, of Chinese origin, which helps lymphatic drainage and reduces facial swelling. This massage is performed with jade or rose quartz stones, maintaining a low temperature for best results.

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