Effective Pilates Exercises for Better Sleep: Stretching for a Peaceful Night’s Rest

2023-09-10 16:00:00

par Rino Gallo

If you do not sleep not enough, take the time to do some stretching before slipping under the sheets. Here’s how to do it.

It is not always easy to Find sleep quickly. In Belgium, 82% of the population indicates sleep less than 7.5 hours per night. This is the recommended minimum when we know that the WHO, the World Health Organization, recommends between 7 hours and 9 hours of sleep. In addition, 55% of Belgians wake up at night at least once a week, and 18% automatically wake up once a night.

To fall more easily into the arms of Morpheus, experts recommend performing pilates exercises, very effective in stretching the muscles and feeling an immediate soothing effect. Starting with the pincer exercise. Sit in a seated position, back straight, abs contracted, arms extended in front of you and parallel to the floor, shoulders away from the ears. Inhale, then exhale, tilting your head and torso forward in order to bring your chest closer to your thighs. You can place your hands around your feet or, depending on your flexibility, on the sides of your thighs.

Take a long breath, then exhale as you bring your chest closer to your thighs while absorbing your stomach. Inhale again and exhale as you unwind your spine, vertebra by vertebra, to find yourself in the starting position, with your back straight and your abs engaged. Be sure to keep your shoulders away from your ears throughout the movement.

Another exercise is reminiscent of the position of a child on a changing table. While lying on your back, bring your legs back into an inverted chair one after the other. Place your arms on the inside of your thighs and hook your big toes with your index fingers to point your heels toward the ceiling and your knees toward the floor. Fully release your head and shoulders into the floor and allow your hips to open. Rock from right to left to massage your spine on the mat and release stress-related tensions, often lodged in the lower part. You can stay in this position for as long as you want. Up to you !

#exercises #fall #asleep #quickly

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