Effective Strategies to Minimize the Destructive Effects of Alcohol on the Body for Athletes

2023-10-15 06:22:21

If you overdo it the next morning, you want to give up alcohol forever, so it is absolutely necessary to have several effective strategies in stock to reduce the destructive effects of alcohol on the body, especially if you have sports in your life.

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In this article, we will tell you how alcohol affects metabolism, muscle mass and athletic performance, and we will offer effective methods for removing it from the body with minimal losses.

1. Moderation is good!

Real moderation (from 1 to 2 servings, depending on your body’s tolerance to alcohol) is the key to ensuring that your fitness is practically intact the next morning.

A serving here and below is a certain amount of drink containing about 14 grams of pure alcohol.

2. Alcohol and sportswear

If you exceed two servings, your strength will decrease, your attention will weaken, and your reaction speed will decrease.

In one study (links to all studies at the end of the article) in which trained men took 3 servings of vodka (in this case, the amount of vodka is unclear) along with food, as a result, the next day their ability to quickly generate effort decreased by 45 percent.

Smaller doses (1.5 servings of vodka) had no effect on athletic performance.

Yes, moderation works!

3. Alcohol and muscle building

Alcohol significantly reduces protein synthesis levels, which means slower muscle growth if you drink regularly.

What this means in practice is that alcohol has the biggest impact on muscle growth when you take it after a high-impact workout, as it slows down recovery by reducing protein synthesis by 15 or 20 percent and inhibiting anabolic gene expression responsible for growth. muscles, mTOR.

Alcohol will cause less harm if consumed before exercise (that is, the day before, as we do not recommend exercising while drunk), because the muscles will be able to work perfectly even if strength is not at its peak.

4. Alcohol and hormones – testosterone, estrogen, cortisol…

Hormones are also affected by alcohol. Research shows that drinking alcohol has the greatest effect on the stress hormone cortisol. Too much alcohol (6 drinks at a time or more) provokes a massive surge of cortisol, lasting up to 24 hours.

For example, one study found that average cortisol levels increased by up to 152 percent within four hours of finishing use.

Another experiment found that large doses of alcohol (about 8 drinks) led to a sharp decrease in testosterone and cortisol levels, which were significantly lower than expected, given how much the level of these hormones increases as a result of moderate consumption (3 drinks).

Changing hormonal levels indicate prolonged stress, which can make it difficult to recover and adapt after exercise.

A study that looked at testosterone but not cortisol found that moderate dietary alcohol consumption did not negatively impact testosterone production in men. Binge drinking (more than 6 drinks at a time) reduces testosterone levels in men, and chronic drinking suppresses testosterone production, acting as a “testicular toxin.”

Human studies have shown that alcohol has little effect on estrogen levels regardless of gender. There is cellular data that shows an increase in aromatization, the process by which testosterone is converted to estrogen, but there is not yet enough data from human experiments.

5. Alcohol and fat burning

When you need to burn fat, frequent drinking of alcohol is only harmful, not only because alcohol contains “empty calories” that do not nourish the body, but are simply stored as fat or burned, but also because it disables “fat burning” in the metabolic process.

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To make matters worse, the foods you crave while drinking or the morning of a hangover are often high-fat, high-carbohydrate foods, which is a poor combination for easing metabolic stress.

However, there are several options available to reduce the negative metabolic effects of alcohol. Alcohol is primarily broken down in the liver by an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase.

Fat burning is “switched off” throughout the body, which means that if you consume additional calories along with alcohol, the body will make energy reserves in the form of fat, therefore, excessive consumption of alcohol at the same time as a large number of calories, mainly from fatty and carbohydrate foods, will lead to to the appearance of fatty deposits.

Such problems will not arise if you drink one drink at lunch.

For example, a 70kg man can metabolize between 8 and 12 grams of alcohol per hour, and exceeding this amount will cause any additional calories to be stored as fat.

As for carbohydrates, again moderate drinking will simply add extra calories to the total, but consuming more than one or two drinks will cause insulin levels to spike, altering blood sugar and creating an unfavorable environment for the absorption of high-carb foods.

The wisest decision when drinking alcohol is to choose foods high in protein and fiber that are low in carbohydrates, such as vegetables and some fruits. This combination will slow down the speed at which it works, giving it time to absorb it and lessen its impact.

Protein foods stimulate the production of enzymes and blood flow to the liver, which increases metabolism. Vegetables and/or low-carb fruits provide water for hydration and antioxidants to reduce the oxidative stress that occurs as a result of drinking alcohol.

6. Hierarchy of caloric content of alcoholic products

Dry wines have the least calories, spirits supply slightly more calories per serving, and beer has the highest calories.

Red wine is likely the best choice if you want to enjoy a drink at the end of your sports day.

Red wine contains antioxidants, although their concentration is too low to provide significant health benefits. For example, most studies showing the benefits of red wine were conducted in laboratory conditions on rodents using high doses.

Quercetin is a phenolic compound in red wine that is noted for its ability to reduce oxidative stress and optimize estrogen metabolism. Scientists consider Pinot Noir to be the best option.

Beer causes problems, especially for men.

Firstly, it leads in the number of calories, and secondly, it is easy to overdo it due to its low alcohol content.

Large-scale studies show that even as little as one bottle of beer a day increases belly fat, while wine has no similar effect. Regular consumption of four or more bottles of beer per day significantly increases the amount of abdominal fat.

Now that you are fully informed, let’s move on to simple ways to get rid of the consequences of drinking alcohol with minimal damage to the body.

1. Eat probiotic foods

Probiotic foods such as high-quality yogurt, pickled vegetables, kim chi, which contain probiotic bacteria, are beneficial for digestion and can speed up the elimination of toxins from the body.

Increasing the amount of probiotic foods has been shown to reduce oxidative stress caused by alcohol.

In one study, probiotic milk supplements significantly reduced inflammatory markers compared with vitamin E supplementation. The probiotic mixture also reduces gastric stress triggered by alcohol.

Kombucha drink and kefir, miso, tempeh, pickled vegetables such as ginger or sauerkraut and yogurt all contain probiotics. They are convenient because they can be taken before and after a binge.

2. Drink green tea

Green tea contains many antioxidants that protect the liver from the damage caused by alcohol, while speeding up the metabolism of alcohol components from the body.

The short-term effect is no hangover, and the long-term effect is no belly fat if you are prone to regular excesses.

Take caffeinated tea (yes, there are both tea and decaffeinated coffee), as caffeine radically reduces the physical suffering of a hangover.

3. Add lemon or lime juice to water

Part of the discomfort caused by alcohol is the result of dehydration as a result of the process of metabolizing alcohol, losing fluid from cells and blood flow, so rehydration is the first step.

Adding lemon or lime to water will help the liver, which is trying to cope with the onslaught of toxins. A small amount of citrus fruit in the water will make the water saltier, which will increase the pH balance in the body, a symptom that accompanies the acceleration of metabolic processes.

For further relief, use sports drinks with electrolytes, which may be reduced due to dehydration from drinking alcohol.

4. Eat asparagus, green vegetables and fruits

Asparagus and other sulfur-containing vegetables help the liver break down and remove nutritious fat from the body. Asparagus has proven itself particularly well in protecting liver cells after drinking alcohol. It also contains nutrients that improve enzyme function, which can help alleviate hangovers.

Fruit is also a good choice, as most fruits are high in antioxidants but have a relatively low glycemic index, meaning your blood sugar levels rise slowly without causing a spike.

Studies have repeatedly shown that consuming large doses of fructose significantly speeds up the metabolism of alcohol. The difficulty is that this requires eating a lot of fructose (approximately 100 g).

It is unlikely that someone with a hangover would voluntarily eat 6-8 apples.

Eat foods that stabilize your blood sugar (protein, healthy fats, low glycemic index foods such as green vegetables and fruits). The most nutritionally valuable vegetables and fruits are asparagus, broccoli, chard, cauliflower and kale, berries and kiwi.

5. Play sports

Sweating is one of three ways in which alcohol breakdown products are eliminated from the body, the other two being breathing and urination.

Research shows that athletes sweat more toxins than sedentary people. Physical activity increases breathing rate and oxygen levels in the blood, which can speed up metabolism and cleanse of alcohol and its breakdown products.

Work up a good sweat in a short, moderate-intensity workout at the gym, outside, or on the track to raise your heart rate, blood flow, and sweat.

Try interval training with a shorter distance (400, 300, 200, 100 meters, for example) or time to reduce the mental burden of physical stress. Or do a timed rep circuit at the gym or on weight machines.

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For an extra boost, drink a cup of strong coffee before your workout. Caffeine is extremely effective in enhancing athletic performance and helps athletes push themselves when they are tired or weather-related.

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