Effectively Managing Polypharmacy: Ensuring the Health and Well-being of Older Adults

2024-01-14 18:05:09

In our society, more and more older adults require multiple medications to control different diseases.

Polypharmacy, defined as the use of five or more medications, is a daily reality for many elderly people. Although these medications are essential to treat various conditions, improper handling can lead to serious consequences.

The prevalence of multiple chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease…etc. It has led to an increase in the use of multiple medications. However, this therapeutic approach is not without risks. Drug interactions, side effects, overmedication, and even self-medication are serious problems that can deteriorate the health of older people.

It is imperative that healthcare professionals conduct regular and thorough evaluations of medication regimens in this highly susceptible population. This process should not only focus on the effectiveness or need of the medication, but also on its suitability for the patient, taking into consideration its mechanisms of action, elimination routes and possible side effects, both long and short term, in the patient in the process. of aging.

It is necessary that we improve communication and education of the patient, their caregivers and health personnel. Older adults and their caregivers should be informed about the risks and benefits of their medications. This transparency is vital to foster a more collaborative and participatory approach to senior care.

Today, technology is on our side for the care of the elderly; there are applications that allow us to organize the elderly’s medications, send reminder alerts or monitor when the patient takes their medication. Medication dispensers are also useful tools in this task to organize medications by day or week.

As the population continues to age, polypharmacy will continue to be an increasingly important issue. Its effective management requires a coordinated and multifaceted effort, focused on the safety, quality, education and well-being of our older adults. It is a public health challenge that we must face together, with compassion and diligence, to ensure a healthy and dignified old age for all.

#Talking #Medicine #Health #challenge #polypharmacy #elderly #Sol #Tampico

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