Egypt’s consultant to the United Nations: We reject the Israeli aggression towards Rafah and the state of affairs in Gaza has reached the purpose of famine

New York – Egypt’s consultant to the United Nations, Osama Abdel Khaleq, confused Egypt’s rejection of the Israeli aggression towards Palestinian Rafah, and confused the necessity to cease all army operations within the Gaza Strip.

Egypt’s consultant to the United Nations mentioned that the continued aggression towards the Gaza Strip results in the impossibility of reduction and humanitarian work within the Gaza Strip.

He added: “What is occurring in Palestinian Rafah is a humanitarian crime that the worldwide neighborhood bears. We reject the aggression towards it. The state of affairs in Gaza has reached the purpose of famine.”

He identified in his speech that stopping the stream of support to the Gaza Strip via the Rafah land crossing is a direct results of the aggression towards the Strip.

Osama Abdel Khaleq said that persevering with humanitarian work within the Gaza Strip is feasible if Israel assumes its obligations and stops the aggression, stressing that Egypt will proceed tirelessly to seek out methods to implement support to the Strip.

Egypt’s consultant to the United Nations defined that his nation’s effort to deliver support and ceasefire into the Gaza Strip stems from its uncompromising ideas.

Abdel Khaleq added throughout his speech earlier than the Safety Council and broadcast by “Cairo Information” channel: “We affirm that the cessation of humanitarian support via the Rafah land crossing is a direct results of the continuing and condemned Israeli operation within the Palestinian Rafah, which was rejected and warned by the whole worldwide neighborhood, and which is taken into account an Israeli extension of collective punishment.” For the Palestinians, it goals to tighten the siege on civilians via army management of the crossing and create a state of affairs on the bottom that makes humanitarian work an inconceivable activity.”

Osama Abdel Khaleq said that Egypt’s endeavor to cease the struggle, herald support, and launch hostages and prisoners from each side stems from a agency dedication to worldwide legislation and worldwide humanitarian legislation, which is similar dedication that prompted it to intervene within the lawsuit filed by South Africa earlier than the Worldwide Courtroom of Justice.

He added: “It additionally stems from Egypt’s perception within the function of the worldwide judicial system in establishing justice, in addition to Cairo’s function as a founding father of the peace motion within the area and its agency dedication to Palestinian rights.”

In his speech, he referred to as on the Safety Council and the worldwide neighborhood to carry Israel accountable for the obligations imposed and required by worldwide humanitarian legislation, in a transparent and unambiguous method.

In a earlier Safety Council session, Egypt’s consultant to the UN Safety Council and its everlasting consultant to the United Nations mentioned that Cairo rejects unconvincing justifications for stopping some international locations’ funding of UNRWA so as to appease Israel.

He defined that the function of UNRWA in offering assist to Palestinian refugees can’t be changed, condemning Israel’s continued concentrating on of UNRWA workers and amenities and demanding an instantaneous ceasefire in Gaza.

Supply: Egyptian media

#Egypts #consultant #United #Nations #reject #Israeli #aggression #Rafah #state of affairs #Gaza #reached #level #famine
2024-05-22 05:10:44

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