El Niño Phenomenon Unveiled: Impacts on Global Climate and Economy

2023-06-09 21:05:08

Scientists have announced the beginning of the phenomenon of El Niño, writes June 9 Kommersant, citing American scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The unique phenomenon of El Niño occurs when the temperature rises on the surface of the water in the seas. So far, growth is minimal – so, now in the Pacific Ocean, the water is only 0.5 degrees warmer than usual at this time. But experts are sure that it has begun.

“In the last week, the increase was 0.8 degrees, which is even higher than in May,” says Michel L’Hero of NOAA.

According to the forecast, El Niño will noticeably change the weather on a global scale – it can bring drought to Australia, and weaken the monsoons in India.

It is believed that due to El Niño, 2024 will be a record hot year worldwide. Possibly the hottest on record. And globally, this is bad.

The increase in average air temperatures on the planet by only one and a half degrees significantly affects the economy. The consequences can also be catastrophic. Kommersant recalls that in 1997-1998, about 23,000 people died due to storms and floods caused by El Niño.

#Niño #begins #ocean #bad #June

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