Elden Ring hides a secret in the form of a Latin song performed by an enemy

Users have translated the lyrics and discovered that it tells about the history of FromSoftware’s game.

The magnitude of Elden Ring it is such that it seems that it will never stop surprising us. In addition to being a resounding success in terms of sales, the game released by FromSoftware at the end of February hides many secretsbut the one we come to tell you about today is really special.

Eye, this news contains spoilers about something that you can find wandering around the game world, so we recommend you not continue reading if you want to discover it on your own.

The issue at hand has to do with a curious enemy that we can find wandering around the Elden Ring map. We refer to the harpies, specifically one baptized as Bat-Lady, with which we can come across in an area populated by bats. But, what is the peculiarity that it has?

The song tells us about historyIf you have been attentive to the audio of the game, you will have noticed that, passing near her, a song is heard performed by a beautiful voice. It is the harpy herself who sings it, and users have discovered that she does it in Latin and hides a message about history. In the video that we leave you below you can see it:

“Unfortunately, the land once blessed has fallen,
we were destined to be mothers, now Sinluz.
We mourn and shed tears,
but none consoles us.
Dorado, who were you mad at?”

There are different theories about the words that this harpy sings, but beyond the specific meaning and the story that the woman hides, what is striking is that Hidetaka Miyazaki once again includes this type of hidden messages on enemies that we can simply walk up to and take out with a couple of hits.

In addition to these cases, other secrets have been observed that would be very difficult to discover on our own, such as a false wall you need more than 50 hits to unhide an area. Some hidden places anticipate the arrival of future DLCs or content updates, such as the existence of different coliseums which are currently inaccessible.

More about: Elden Ring, FromSoftware and Secret.

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