Elden Ring, mimetic veil: how to recover the ideal object to hide during invasions?

news tip Elden Ring, mimetic veil: how to recover the ideal object to hide during invasions?

Players of Elden Ring, have you ever heard of the mimetic veil? This is an essential item if you plan to hide in the event of an invasion! But how to recover it? We suggest you see this together in our guide.

We explained to you a little while ago how to get taunt tongue back, allowing you to get invaded whenever you want.. History of always going further in Elden Ring, let’s now see how to get an object that will allow you to play hide and seek with your invaders. And remember to enjoy of this method which allows you to treat yourself without vials while it is still in play!

The interest of the mimetic veil

the mimetic veil is a very interesting object to counter the invaders of your world in Elden Ring. This object allows you, for 6 FPs, to transform yourself into a decorative object. You will be able to transform yourself into armor, cannon etc… Not really useful in solo, this object makes sense when you are invaded. Indeed, the invader will try to find you, and will waste time looking for you and checking where you are. And you might even manage to frustrate him enough to make him leave the game, thus earning you some runes… It’s also a bit of the game’s meta right now, which we’ll talk about in another article…

You can get it quite early in the game, namely at Sailing Castle. Reach the Grace Site watchtower inside the castle, then rather than going outside, go back, and go to the left. You will then see an elevator waiting for you.

Once at the top, continue straight and once at the back of the room, go to the right and take the stairs. In the next room is a banished knight. Kill him to be quiet, but don’t leave the room right away. Go up on the platform, and you will see a chest there. Open it and you will find the mimetic veil inside. We wish you long games of hide and seek with this object! And don’t forget that when an invader leaves your game, you gain runes as if you had defeated it… which makes this item almost indispensable!

Elden Ring Walkthrough, Guide, Tips and Tricks

Elden Ring, complete solution: all our guides, tips and tricks

By TridashWriting jeuxvideo.com


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