Emergency Meeting Called by Petro Government Over Risk of Health Reform Collapse: Strategic Plan Revealed

2024-03-13 21:56:08

Given the risk that the health reform could collapse, after eight representatives signed the archival presentation, people close to the Petro government were summoned to attend an emergency meeting. The central topic of the meeting is the strategy to follow in the face of an initiative that is currently listed as sunk.

The Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velasco, and several senators from the Historical Pact were summoned to Casa de Nariño. He did not go to the entire Senate bench, but rather those who have been considered President Petro’s close circle. That is, among those summoned are Senator María José Pizarro, Representative David Racero and there would also be the speakers of the project: Martha Peralta Epieyú, Wilson Arias and the other people responsible for the text from the left-wing bench.

This afternoon’s meeting would be crucial to define the route to follow with health reform. At least it is known that their debate will not begin until after Easter. Likewise, everything seems to indicate that the Executive’s efforts will revolve around carrying out the alternative presentation presented by the senator of the Green Alliance Fabian Díaz.

The government announced its intention to support this presentation as a way to find common ground. However, the Liberal and Conservative parties have already announced that their members will not support said text. In this way, if the government did not receive at least three votes, the project would be virtually sunk.

Currently the Executive has everything against this project, since eight speakers signed the archival text and one more senator from the Seventh Commission said that she would accompany said proposal. If those votes are not changed and there is no reconfiguration in the quorum, the government would have lost more than a year and a half in the processing of an initiative that would sink in the third debate.

#Government #calls #emergency #meeting #save #health #reform

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