Emiko Kaminuma slashes the coverage of Masahiro Higashide’s “mountain hut hunting life”! “Send child support to France” SNS sympathizes with her remarks | Smart FLASH[光文社週刊誌]

Masahiro Higashide with a beard.The official SNS of the fashion magazine “STUDY”, which is currently on sale, also posted a photo of “Hige Otoko”.

of talentEmiko UenumaHowever, on October 9th broadcast “Uenuma and Takada’s Kugizuke!](Yomiuri TV).Currently, the actor’sMasahiro Higashidewas cut short.

September 27thWeekly women’s PRIME” reported that Higashide has been living a “hunting life” at a mountain hut since March 2022. He lives in a mountain hut with no cell phone reception, gas or running water, and feeds himself with wild animals and vegetables he hunts. “I feel more comfortable living here,” he said.

Kaminuma seems to be angry at this news. On the program, “It won’t last long. In a place where there’s no cell phone, gas, or running water. Right now, I’m getting drunk. He also writes for a weekly magazine. I enjoy things like ‘It’s wild.’ Um, it’s been 3 months.Isn’t it the kind of person who would end up with such a beautiful wife with a different actress?I wonder if I can live without gas and running water!”

Also, “Anyway, I’m not going to make amends for the crime you committed against Anne. Did you know that Anne went to France? Take all the children and leave the mountain hut.” If you’re going, you’ll do it,” he strictly pursued. “It’s sweet, you’re licking your life. Don’t spend your energy on that, send child support to France!” she said angrily.

“Mr. Higashide divorced Anne because of her own infidelity, but after the divorce, her work drastically decreased for a while. It was also reported that the amount offered as expenses was 10,000 yen per child per month, totaling 30,000 yen, which would be less than a typical divorced couple.

Even if you live a mountain life in such a situation, there are few voices that you can sympathize with. Including this reportSNSThen, Mr. Higashide is said to be “too conscious of his father” one after another.” (entertainment reporter)

On SNS, there are voices that sympathize with Kaminuma’s anger.

《Homma, this is it. Masahiro Higashide is probably my favorite. . . 》

“It’s true, Mr. Uenuma says…he speaks for me. 》

《Higashide is really paying child support. You’re not hiding in the mountains, you’re running away.』

Is Higashide willing to fulfill his responsibilities as a father? It is still under scrutiny.

( SmartFLASH

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