Emmerling / Bakos (NEOS Vienna): Every femicide is one too many!

2024-02-24 16:08:14

Vienna (OTS) – Given the tragic loss of five women, including a young girl, on a single day in Vienna, women’s spokesperson Dolores Bakos and NEOS Vienna are shocked and deeply affected by the recent femicides in the city.

“The fight once morest violence once morest women and, above all, prevention work must finally be given top priority at absolutely all political and social levels! Our thoughts and our deepest sympathy are with the survivors of those affected and we say one thing very clearly: any kind of male violence once morest women is simply unacceptable!” said Bakos.

NEOS Vienna Club Chairwoman Bettina Emmerling adds: “It is our responsibility as a whole to combat violence once morest women and girls and to bring regarding change so that outdated role models are broken down and patriarchal thought patterns are finally a thing of the past. For NEOS Vienna, it is essential that this happens today rather than tomorrow. Because every femicide, every act of violence is one too many.”

Women can find immediate help and advice at the City of Vienna’s 24-hour women’s emergency hotline (01/71719) or at the women’s helpline once morest violence (0800 222 555).

Questions & Contact:

NEOS – Club in the Vienna City Hall
Marko Knöbl
Press spokesman, deputy communications manager
+43 650 405 17 43

#Emmerling #Bakos #NEOS #Vienna #femicide

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