End of series for Béziers

2024-01-18 22:15:45

Béziers, who had six consecutive victories and had never lost at home this season, lost at the very last second (18-17) against Provence Rugby, who took control of the ranking while waiting for the rest. matches of this 17th day of Pro D2.

The (beautiful) Béziers series is over. The Biterrois, who had never experienced defeat on their lawn this season (Editor’s note: Provence Rugby, their evening opponent, and Nevers remain the only teams still undefeated at home), fell Thursday against Provence Rugby (18- 17) in the advanced match of the 17th day.

The third in the ranking, then provisional leader, held his seventh success in a row and maintained his invincibility in front of his audience until the… 80th minute and the second try of the Provençaux in this duel at the top of the table, marked at the siren by the New Zealander Inga Finau, came to reward the last efforts of his team to snatch this victory in Béziers, obtained thanks to the transformation of another New Zealander Jimmy Gopperth. The locals then led 17-11, which did not protect them from a converted try and this terribly cruel outcome under the whistles of a stadium furious with certain refereeing decisions.

Provence Rugby takes control

The Biterrois can especially blame themselves for not having been able to kill the match and ensure that even an end to the match like the one achieved by Provence Rugby does not deprive them of another victory. Especially given the domination of Pierre Caillet’s players in the first period, they should have led much more clearly at the break than with a score of 14 to 6. And again, it took a strong try from Taleta Tupuola as the visitors led 3-0 and superb work from the inevitable Raffaele Costas Storti, the division’s top scorer, exploited by Paul Reau, to take a lead, which therefore proved not to be enough.

And this despite Gabin Lorre’s superb drop shortly after the hour mark while Enzo Selponi, perfectly served by Charly Gambini, who had just come on, had brought Provence back to within three lengths. This was obviously not enough for Béziers. No more than these six points lead erased by Finau then Gopperth. It is therefore the Aix-en-Provence club which temporarily takes control. Béziers, for its part, is free to restart a series.

#series #Béziers

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