End of the vaccination obligation for caregivers?

Seized in November 2022 by the Ministry of Health, the HAS has just issued a draft recommendation on the vaccination obligations of caregivers, with a view to public consultation open to immunization stakeholders. This consultation will end March 3, 2023.

This review has two parts: the first, which has just been published, is devoted to the vaccinations currently compulsory for health professionals (diphtheria, tetanus, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, Covid-19); the second will be devoted to recommended vaccinations (seasonal flu, for example). Are concerned: health professionals, professionals who work in health establishments, social and medico-social structures and those who are in close and repeated contact with young children.

HAS took into account the latest data on the epidemiology of the diseases concerned, on the risks of transmission in the workplace and on the vaccines available, but this is a provisional opinion, pending the contributions to be made by the public consultation. Indeed, in view of the societal importance of the subject – the obligation of caregivers to be vaccinated against Covid, and the subsequent suspension of the non-vaccinated, having in particular sparked a lot of political debate –, the HAS judged “essential to enrich this work with the contributions of stakeholders”. The final recommendation will therefore be published at the end of March.

In addition, the Minister responsible for Health also called on the National Advisory Council on Ethics for Life and Health Sciences (CCNE) to rule on the ethical issues raised by these vaccination obligations.

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