Energy crisis is affecting bakeries


Many sectors are currently struggling with high energy costs – including the Viennese bakeries. There have not been any closures so far, but the situation is tense and the prospects for 2023 are uncertain.

“The cooling for the dough, the ovens are in continuous operation and some are delivered several times a day. Everything is very energy-intensive,” says Josef Angelmayer, the guild master of the food industry in Vienna, in an interview with Radio Vienna. The Viennese bakeries have so far managed to keep price increases within limits. All in all, bread has become about ten percent more expensive.

“Save wherever you can”

In order to overcome the crisis, attempts are currently being made to save energy wherever possible, according to the guild master. In concrete terms, attempts are made to avoid idle times with the ovens. Deliveries are usually made in the morning, but often two to three times a day. According to Angelmayer, trips are now combined here. Efforts are also being made to save on cooling devices: “The devices should really be full when they are put into operation,” says Angelmayer.

Many companies still have “old” energy tariffs

The industry is currently trying to meet the challenges with internal measures. For the year 2023, however, the prospects are very uncertain because nobody can predict how the crisis will develop, says the guild master: “We hope, of course, that it will not be the case that the companies cannot stand it, or that on the other hand, consumers can no longer afford our products.”

In addition, many companies are currently not really aware of how much energy prices have risen because they still have the “old” tariffs. With the turn of the year, the tariffs would be adjusted. According to Angelmeyer, that could make the situation even more difficult.

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