Energy prices: Belgium and 14 other EU countries propose a gas price cap

These countries want the energy ministers to be able to discuss it during their emergency meeting on Friday. The introduction of a European gas price cap has been under discussion for several weeks. The Commission proposed an emergency intervention in the energy market on September 14 to bring prices down, but a price cap proposal was not part of it. Energy ministers had asked the Commission to examine a general cap – that is to say on all gas imported into Europe – but this work is not yet finished.

Belgium is one of the Member States that are pushing for the introduction of such a cap, but other countries as well as the Commission warn against security of supply and consider that a cap on Russian gas alone is more realistic.

Three days before the 27 energy ministers are due to meet again to discuss the price crisis in the energy sector, fifteen member states have sent a letter to Energy Commissioner Kadri Simson inviting her to submit a proposal for the introduction of a general gas price cap, which can already serve as a basis for discussion at the energy council on Friday. Belgian Energy Minister Tinne Van der Straeten is one of the signatories.

The countries argue that a general price cap can be designed in such a way as to guarantee the security of supply and the free flow of gas in Europe, while continuing to achieve the objective of reducing demand.

Belgium, Greece and Italy are at the initiative of this letter, according to several sources. They convinced Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. Germany, the Netherlands and Denmark among others have not signed it.

The final decision on a price cap does not have to be approved unanimously, but by qualified majority. For the introduction of a general ceiling, the 15 signatory countries will need the support of at least one other Member State.

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