Entrepreneurship in Senegal: it imposes itself in a sector of men in Senegal

  • Author, Raissa Okoi and Oumou Kalsoum
  • Role, Journalist, BBC Africa
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Nicknamed the Salt Queen of Fatick, Marie is a pioneer in the exploitation of salt. The first woman to join the industry, she has been working there for two decades.

Marie Diouf started out as a salt collector, today she is one of the few Senegalese who reign over the sector in the country. Salt production is profitable but it is particularly difficult to work in this sector. It is therefore very rare to see women rise to the head of production units.

“You have to be a woman who respects herself, who negotiates with her employees, and who also pays her employees”, advice from the one who has been nicknamed The Queen of Salt from Factick, a city located in the west of Senegal .

Marie Diouf is a pioneer in the exploitation of salt. The first woman to join the industry, she has been working there for two decades.

Iron lady, she knew how to enter the restricted circle of salt production in Senegal. Saliculture, a field of activity hitherto dominated by men.

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